Example sentences of "[pron] [that] we [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we daydream while going through the motions of reading we can still recognise words , and perhaps even convince ourselves that we are reading .
2 However , we have to remind ourselves that we are using a byproduct of other wind sports , and hope that , like kite flying , they too prosper !
3 We must therefore resist any temptation to read a book on doubt like a medical dictionary , or before long we may convince ourselves that we are suffering from every variety of doubt .
4 It is as though we had to talk in order to reassure ourselves that we were living .
5 All the same , it 's by no means clear to me that we 're making any progress …
6 [ I ] t seems to me that we are moving more and more in the direction of an elective dictatorship , not the less objectionable in principle because it is inefficient in practice , and not the less tyrannical in its nature because the opposed parties , becoming more and more polarized in their attitudes , seek with some prospects of success to seize the new levers of power and use them alternately to reverse the direction taken by their immediate predecessors .
7 Nonetheless , as an long-established reader of the medical journals , it does strike me that we are hearing much more about increasingly curious self-administrations .
8 ‘ It seems to me that we are missing the key factor .
9 It seems to me that we are inclining to be very inconsistent in regard to two matters which have recently been very much before us .
10 It seems to me that we are having to fight all over again to keep many things that we have already fought for and gained in the past .
11 ‘ It gradually dawned on me that we were becoming a sort of ‘ Punk cabaret ’ act .
12 Although we could n't tell them that we 're trying to achieve because we have n't we have n't discussed
13 Then , suddenly , humping her shoulders , Sophie said , ‘ Well , we 'll have to do the correct thing and inform them that we 're going to set up here .
14 So you 've prioritized and summarized , what do we need to tell them that we 're gon na do now ?
15 ‘ We persuade them that we are acting in good faith .
16 ‘ We have told them that we are issuing a document and if they make allegations of corruption , we will sue .
17 Providing a service to our members is absolutely paramount and we need to show them that we are considering their needs in which section we put them in .
18 He tells them that we are getting somewhere now and it 's time we heard your version but there 's no need to hurry because we have all the time in the world .
19 I remind them that we are spending two and a half times as much on training and enterprise as they did .
20 ‘ I can assure them that we are making every effort .
21 So I told them that we were going to leave the park , and go and get a nice cold ice-cream .
22 And in case you are thinking of reneging let me tell you that we 're gon na watch you .
23 It 'll be a very , could be a very vague letter just say you remember we wrote to you some time ago that your plan was in arrears , we 've never had this money and we 're now notifying you that we 're gon na collect the arrears on your ne c payment .
24 Has Mum told you that we 're going out for a Chinese ?
25 I meant to tell you that we are taking an increasing interest in energy conservation matters , but I do n't think we are on your mailing list for news , press releases etc .
26 I believe I told you that we are to move on to the Astors ? ’
27 I think I have to make the point to you that we are planning to roughly double the size of the er airforce equipment programme er between now and the end of the century , a very substantial chunk of that is E F two thousand and its er associated weapon systems and , you know , one has to frankly , take er a view on priorities er in the light of the strategic requirement and given the er extent of the threat as we see it , the possibility of using er of taking part in out of area operations in coalitions , that kind of thing , that was the judgement we took er the medium term priorities were such that we could n't afford the first er stage of A M S A M.
28 They will be able to have a voice in choosing the chairman of the European commission which is like a Euro quango in a way so I do see a parallel which I want to put to you that we are remedying the democratic deficit in Europe with that giant Euro quango in the same way that we would like to remedy the democratic deficit with respect to the proliferation of quangos in Wales .
29 Well , if death can ever be glamorous , that , I suppose , is the glamorous side of war casualties , but I think we need to spend the rest of our time very much looking at what it was like for the ordinary people of St Aldate's. erm And here , I apologise for producing a modern slide of Carfax , but I think just to remind you that we are talking about a very busy crowded city area , and erm about a city whose whole aspect was changing during the war .
30 All I could do was keep dropping hints , trying to get it through to you that we were going through something incredible together . ’
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