Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] been [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 Despite the growth of research into everyday memory and memory in applied settings ( e.g. Gruneberg , Morris & Sykes , 1978 , 1988a , 1988b ) and the research and theorising which has been done over some 50 years on the psychology of driver behaviour , there has been virtually no research which directly looks at memory in driving .
2 For Cable & Wireless , the CITIC investment would remove what analysts describe as the ‘ political factor ’ which has been hanging over Hong Kong Telecom .
3 One of these , PC-Hornet , which has been developed over the past 10 years , will be shown for the first time by McDonnell Douglas .
4 These major companies are very stable , with an organisational structure which has been developed over many years and , like the Japanese Zaibatsu , they have a large-core business which is able to withstand changes in the market place .
5 It may be related to the size , complexity and nature of the company 's operation and therefore to the organisational structure which has been developed over many years .
6 We must pay tribute also to the United Nations , which has been revitalised over the past 12 months and has started to play its part in trying to unravel and resolve the problems in Yugoslavia .
7 The constitution of the Federation , which has been formulated over the past two years , was agreed with twelve countries accepted into membership .
8 Canteiro is a wine which has been matured over many years without going into an estufa , and it is of a good age .
9 Reid 's objection , which has been reiterated over the years , is often supplemented with its converse .
10 Children are likely to play ball against your side wall and you may find yourself picking litter out of the garden which has been thrown over your wall or fence .
11 Er Mr Chairman , ladies and gentlemen I 'd like to present the early result of an audit of of the prostate which has been performed over the northern region .
12 He is holding forth about beauty to an audience which has been short-changed over food and drink and entertainment .
13 The Christian World noted in 1882 , ‘ The great wave of Catholic sentiment which has been sweeping over the Established Church … has sensibly cast its spray over the Nonconformist bodies of the country ’ .
14 If it seems odd to devote a chapter to one book , however important and significant , it must be appreciated that numerically it is by far the most commonly found book and one which has been published over such a long period that the collector will see it more frequently than any other .
15 It is particularly keen to help the manufacturing sector , which has been decimated over the past 12 years .
16 As the carriage is moved along the needle bed , the brush on the leading edge of the sinker plate will be pushing on the weaving yarn which has been laid over the needles to move it to the right position .
17 But she admitted she has been thrilled at the response the records bring and the millions of fan letters she has been sent over the years .
18 She has been criticised over her outspoken statements on sex and abortion , advocating contraception for sexually active teenagers .
19 He might look like an old man who 's been run over a few times to you , but to me … ’ he puffed his chest out even further ‘ … he 's a vicious criminal . ’
20 ‘ Let's hope this is the last chapter for them — it has been hanging over them for more than a year — and they can now start to rebuild their lives . ’
21 The literature on accounting theory is relatively new ( the bulk of it has been generated over the last 50 years ) , and it has , until recently , been almost exclusively concerned with public limited companies ( Whittington , 1986 ) .
22 David Cross talks about how it has been portrayed over the centuries .
23 However , Hakim ( 1982 ) re-analysed the data and found that ‘ the results … confirm the association between crime and unemployment , and suggest it has been increasing over time ’ ( p.453 ) .
24 It has been lowered over my head many times , and then , as I have reached up to smite it , it has passed before me and consumed many people .
25 Built in the 15th Century , it has been modernised over the years , but maintains much of the original style .
26 It has been earned over many years through dedicated teamwork and attention to detail .
27 It 's been renovated over the last three months at Gloucestershire airport at Staverton near Gloucester , bound for a new life in Australia ferrying tourists on a two week tour of the outback .
28 Down the bottom there in , number page twenty six it speaks about another modest man who became a role model for me who 's name 's John now a member of the governing body of Jehovah Witnesses and he 's been quoted over the years as saying it 's not so much where you serve , but who you serve that is truly important , can you see that ?
29 ‘ It 's not every man who can say he 's been frigged over his own office desk , is it ? ’
30 To put this into context it is worth taking a look at what has been achieved over recent decades in obtaining access agreements for canoes to pass along our rivers .
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