Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] to be quite " in BNC.

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1 But this form of presentation , which needs to be quite formal , what other students have found is that if you dress formally actually it helps you to act formally , because this sort of presentation is going to be very different .
2 From the point when the Government 's high interest rate policies start taking effect to the point when companies start calling in the receiver , there tends to be quite a delay — liquidity problems do not suddenly emerge unless something dramatically goes wrong .
3 Memory is an inadequate guide to advertising effectiveness though , other things being equal , there seems to be quite a good a priori case in favour of memorability .
4 There seems to be quite a number .
5 There seems to be quite a lot of room for our clothes , ’ said Penelope .
6 There seems to be quite an increase over the year , erm , virtually double .
7 I thought how nice it would be to just stroll across the road and look at the river , and it appears to be quite simple until you get there and meet I do n't know how many lanes of traffic .
8 It appears to be quite unresponsive to the caucuses of the two parties , be they Republican or Democratic .
9 It appears to be quite selective as to which fish it invades , some becoming covered in the mutated cells into which the virus has incorporated its own genetic material , others escaping .
10 It seems to be one thing ( and a wrong thing by the Bill of Rights ) , to impeach or question proceedings in Parliament ; it seems to be quite another to ask a House to confirm whatever it is necessary to confirm in order to ascertain what the House has resolved .
11 His confession — that he had been responsible for poisoning Mozart — has intrigued historians and musicians ever since , but it seems to be quite unfounded .
12 It seems to be quite a talent she has . ’
13 It seems to be quite clear that there would be no tax charge upon the beneficiary under general principles because of the obligation of the borrower to repay the loan .
14 It seems to be quite serious . ’
15 It seems to be quite recent .
16 It seems to be quite well run , we have n't , we have n't got round to joining it .
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