Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] we into [art] " in BNC.

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1 A study published by Age Concern Scotland concluded : ‘ Ageism leads to a perception of old age as an affliction or disease which turns us into a special kind of being which is not fully human . ’
2 This last drawing exercise is a summary of the simple process of thinking which leads us into a deeper appreciation of how we have come to be what we are .
3 There is an ‘ Essential ’ Chamber Music series with the peerless performances , and an ‘ Enterprise ’ collection which takes us into the worlds of Szymanowski , Berio , Ligeti , Schoenberg , Poulenc , Franz Schmidt , Stravinsky and others .
4 Again after the middle ten lines there is another break which takes us into the last section of the poem with the words ‘ at last ’ .
5 That is the dynamic , historical revelation of the Father 's love , which draws us into the community of faith and sets us to work in the service of the kingdom .
6 This time it is not a natural parting of the ways like leaving school that has happened ; rather , an unexpected factor , for example some form of incurable disease or sudden death through illness or accident has occurred , which propels us into a significant loss that we are not prepared for .
7 He is the Spirit who adopts us into the family of God alongside Jesus ( Rom. 8:15 , Gal. 4:6 ) .
8 With feet of lead he pitches us into the high winds with the wisdom of a professional .
9 By his technique , by the force of words and theme , by the disciplined speed of his narrative , he draws us into a fiction which takes off from a foundation of known fact and recognisable truth .
10 ‘ Added to my millions it bonds us into a formidable team . ’
11 First and foremost he brings us into an entirely new dimension of freedom .
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