Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [Wh det] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone understands what is to be done .
2 Nobody knows what 's behind the steering wheel
3 You can send any character into any tunnel , but each can only collect the pages for which he 's responsible , and the only way to find out who gets what is through trial and error .
4 Who determines what is in the best interest of all ?
5 After all , she knows what is to be done .
6 It could just be that you 're the person in your family who knows what 's on all those video tapes that nobody 's labelled up .
7 Who knows what 's inside that girl 's mind ?
8 Who knows what 's in the future for any of us ?
9 Well hang on a sec , cos you 've got ta get the letters translated , it depends what 's in your drill template dun n it ?
10 Rather than giving the same recognition to differences among literacies which he proposes to be differences among languages , he uses what is in fact the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy as the basis for arguments about the specific nature of the English language .
11 It is our long-held view that foreign spent nuclear fuel should not be sent to Dounreay for storage , let alone for reprocessing , because it breaches what is for us a fundamental principle : that the responsibility for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel should lie with the reactor operators .
12 And I ca n't let people see the portrait , because it shows what 's in my heart .
13 When he hears what 's in the wind , he 'll probably insist Harry goes back to live in America while you both take time to think it over .
14 It gives what is in a sense a richer account of a mental episode by including relations with other strictly mental episodes and facts-these too , of course , to be understood relationally .
15 So , perhaps unsurprisingly , it is this aspect of the home and the security it provides which is of central importance to the poor .
16 An important indication ( although , as we shall see , not a sufficient one ) that a portion of a sentence is a semantic constituent is that its semantic contribution to the sentence is the same as that which it makes to other , different sentences ; in other words , it carries what is in some sense a constant meaning from context to context .
17 He knows what 's on it .
18 ‘ You just take your bag through another entrance and no-one knows what 's in it — drugs , weapons or whatever , ’ Tamerlan Musajev told the Swedish news agency TT yesterday .
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