Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [Wh det] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile the Unit Trust Association has published its Customer Code which explains what to expect from an investment in unit trusts .
2 " But who decides what to do about elil ?
3 Katie rings on Saturday but the conversation is a bit strained ; I do n't think she knows what to say to me .
4 She has more servants than she knows what to do with .
5 Parent Ali Smith says it 's reassuring to know that you 're leaving the children with someone who knows what to do in a crisis .
6 At twenty-four , with his father and sister newly dead , he plans what to do with his life should his mother die as well : he would sell up everything and live in Rome , Syracuse or Naples .
7 McNealy told Wall Street analysts last week that Sun has more 50MHz Vikings than it knows what to do with and that Texas Instruments Inc ‘ could bury ’ Sun in the chips if Sun would let it .
8 Scott McNealy told Wall Street analysts last week that Sun has more 40MHz Vikings than it knows what to do with and that Texas Instruments Inc ‘ could bury ’ Sun in the chips if it would let it .
9 Cauterets in fact has more healing waters than it knows what to do with , for on the roadside outside the town you pass small , steaming escapes of water as yet untapped .
10 ‘ I mean , he 's from the right kind of background and he has more money that he knows what to do with .
11 ‘ Defenders do n't like playing against him because he gives them a rough time but he knows what to expect from me .
12 More than 600 people a day die of a heart attack in the UK and many lives are lost because no-one knows what to do in an emergency .
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