Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [that] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When someone complains that he has a toothache , or attributes a similar condition to another person , what exactly is he saying ?
2 But despite a guest appearance by Jack Nicholson , and the assistance of the ingenious Simenon ( a man so uninfatuated by Prince and all his works that he fell asleep during the Sign O The Times movie ) , does Cat have the creative wherewithal to make it as a solo act ?
3 Bloomsbury , £17.99 THERE is a persistent myth about Georges Simenon , inventor of Inspector Maigret , which holds that he has never received proper recognition as a novelist .
4 But nobody attacked him for his information about France ; which shows that he gave none .
5 We also have the comments of his tutor , Ian Duthie , on the piece , which shows that he found it curious , too .
6 This argument , however , is countered by drawing attention to the passage in Emendatio Vitae ( c.11 ) describing singular love : which shows that he conceived of an unlimited and thus , literally , unfulfilled desire for God .
7 A charter of Hlothhere , however , refers to 1 April 675 as ‘ in the first year of our reign ’ ( CS 36 : S 7 ) , which means that he became king in 674 at the earliest and 17 September in his seventh year can have fallen no earlier than 680 .
8 The votary of ahi sā strives for the greatest good of all , which means that he goes beyond utilitarianism .
9 Er now , the source was at university which means that he 's gone gone home .
10 It is also a rather different exhibition conceptually : Alfonso Perez Sanchez , former Director of the Prado and co-organiser of the show , has declared that he wants the Spanish to get to know ‘ the real Ribera ’ , which means that he has whittled down the number of works .
11 rejected this submission which implies that he read the judgment of Nolan L.J .
12 Rod himself admits that he 's been very close to arrest .
13 Holman speaks emotively of parents ‘ losing ’ their children , which suggests that he identifies the wishes and feelings of parents as being of not insignificant importance alongside the needs of children .
14 It is thought that William Terris was wearing evening dress , which suggests that he had visited Covent Garden Opera House nearby .
15 I gesture ( I imagine ) towards a chair on the other side of my desk and he sits down in an attitude which suggests that he intends to stay for rather more than a minute , and rather less than half an hour .
16 In the second play , Audience , Ferdinand is called in by the head maltster , played by Freddie Jones , who insists that he joins him for a drink and a chat .
17 She says that he thinks of her as Mum .
18 She says that he got drunk , called her names and moaned because she would n't share a double bed .
19 She says that he pushed past her and said he 'd lost somthing in her garden .
20 Similarly , the heat of a material thing being something that we feel with some part of our body , what can someone mean who says that he perceives the heat of something directly ?
21 This makes it easier to accept such later stories as that of Symeon of Durham , who says that he walked barefoot for five miles before reaching the church of St Cuthbert .
22 His entry in Who 's Who shows that he has won The Palladium ( sic ) Medal of The Electrochemical Society and has been professor and head of the chemistry department at Southampton University since 1983 .
23 ‘ No person who shows that he has been tried by any competent court for a criminal offence and either convicted or acquitted shall again be tried for that offence or for any other criminal offence of which he could have been convicted at the trial for that offence save upon the order of a superior court made in the course of appeal proceedings relating to the conviction or acquittal ; …
24 Go to the Police Station and ask for him , please , perhaps if someone like you shows that he knows he 's missing they will do something .
25 She does n't know any of their names , but she remembers that he had a long scar running right up his hand .
26 Now he 's been taken ill with this so , she hopes that he do n't and get behind you know but it 's the head in it ?
27 The headteacher , a kind and progressive woman , remarks that Michael is confused between masculine and feminine roles and she suspects that he has ‘ feminine genes ’ .
28 She feels that he does not appreciate her and that he should be grateful to have a good looking young wife .
29 She feels that he does not appreciate her and that he should be grateful to have a good looking young wife .
30 This ‘ outward-sainted deputy ’ , as Isabella calls him ( in words that recall Christ 's ‘ whited sepulchres ’ ) , who imagines that he has enjoyed the sister and killed the brother — thus breaking even the corrupt contract he had himself proposed — listens with composure to Isabella 's accusation that he is ‘ a murderer , … an adulterous thief , /An hypocrite , a virgin-violator ’ ( V.i.39ff ) .
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