Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [coord] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If not , and he 's picking the frog out of everyone who has or is still playing for the team , surely Strachan 's contribution far outweighs anything done by the Frog .
2 She hoots and is about to say something , but she holds off in front of Darius and squints at me to see what I mean .
3 CLAUDIUS takes ROS 's elbow as he passes and is immediately deep in conversation : the context is Shakespeare Act III , scene i .
4 Their epoxy , Kevlar , carbon and foam construction is virtually bullet-proof ; it floats and is all but impossible to dispose of .
5 It falls and it lifts and it lilts and is never still
6 This suspicion is particularly strong among biblical scholars , and one of them , Principal T.M. Knox , said more than twenty years ago ‘ The spirit moveth where it listeth and is not to be reduced to the numerical terms with which alone a computer can cope ’ .
7 For the verbs which accompany clausal adjectives , however , there is no need for any compatibility at all ( although it may happen to occur if the verb also takes simple objects ) , since the noun phrase here has no direct relation to the verb which it follows but is simply one of the elements assembled within the opaque frontiers of the clause .
8 The press , the TV and the radio would like to know what 's going on and , incidentally , so would I. Kersey does n't know , or he does and is n't saying . ’
9 So Sardinia knows what it faces and is fully prepared .
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