Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [be] [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Mr David Cummings , general manager , said : ‘ We have never done anything on this scale , but everyone has been fantastic and our suppliers have stood by us . ’
2 And so though we have all sinned and that circle , that perfect purpose of God for you and for me has been warped and distorted out of all recognition , the potential that God had for you and for me , it 's been dis it seems to have been destroyed because of the warping and because of the impact of sin .
3 Can you imagine what it feels like when someone has been infertile and you 've helped them to have a baby ?
4 It remains to indicate one especially important and difficult area of the sociology of culture , which has been prominent and at times dominant in the current convergence .
5 A girl who has been shy or awkward can become quite self-possessed as she cares for her new baby .
6 My hon. Friend , who has been courteous and kind in meeting delegations led by me and by other hon. Members to discuss the problem , has pointed out from time to time that the scheme is the responsibility of the county council .
7 As Adegbehin points out , assessment of the resource base itself has been poor and existing inventory data are both incomplete and out of date .
8 Yes , she has been lucky but , if she wishes to live down south because of her work , why not ?
9 No she 's been awake and asleep and awake and asleep all day today there 's no pattern today .
10 He told people of a bag he 'd lent to her and which was found with her body ; He said his fingerprints would be all over his wife 's cars steering wheel ; and he told the police she 's been violent and upset when he left him .
11 but just riding him , well that 's what he needs , so I said well you just see as you think on just keep exercising him , so erm , after that she 's been alright and the little sister 's getting really good with him
12 She 's made me angry with her anger , and then turned it around so that I 'm eaten up with guilt because she 's been ill and I have n't noticed , and now she 's taking the blame on herself and making me feel worse than ever .
13 Rita , who was too afraid to show her face to the cameras , divorced her husband after she was forced to take part in an arranged marriage , a practice she believes is barbaric and almost as bad as prostitution .
14 Yesterday I said that to you , cos I says oh who 's been good and filled them
15 In the evolution game , whether the computer version or the real thing , the player ( or observer ) obtains the same feeling of wandering metaphorically through a labyrinth of branching passages , but the number of possible pathways is all but infinite , and the monsters that one encounters are undesigned and unpredictable .
16 This is certainly the case in many inner city areas , where there has been philosophical and political opposition to the scheme and where the organisational barriers to becoming a fundholding practice have been considerable .
17 When health authorities have attempted to do so there has been immediate and vociferous opposition , forcing a rapid reversal of policy ( Salter 1992 ) .
18 There has been continuous and continuing innovation in competitive strategy to change the ‘ rules of the game ’ , as we show in the next chapter .
19 There has been considerable and overdue renovation work on important museums such as Grenoble , Orleans , Amiens , Rouen and Nantes .
20 Because of this there has been scientific and practical interest in the facks that amonoantibiotic regimen comprising omeprazole and amoxicillin has been highly successful in eradicating H pylori in some pilot studies and has shown good results with regard to H pylori reinfection and the clinical course of peptic ulcer disease in the first year after treatment .
21 But his route there has been clear and straightforward .
22 Erm they began the union just before I left Bellany and of course it was cried down and erm they had meetings and the lot , and then all the miners were on strike at the time , and er my father and brother were both miners and er my brother was very friendly with Mr and Mr next door and er anyway er we decided to come out on strike for Bellany 's union and of course erm they , the , one , I think it was Mr said Joey he said er did you know we 're out on strike here and my brother said it seemed to be catching does n't it he did n't say he could n't say I worked there you see but erm it , it caused an upset but still up to a point the unions were good because we 're all badly underpaid for what we did , and the hours we worked they would n't tolerate it nowadays , but erm I forget er I joined the union and if you did n't you were a blackleg you know you , they wanted you to join the union from then I 've been in the union all , until I finished work but erm they , they got us our rises and er as I say the , the money was n't er very good and then the union did fight for the rises and they 'd got to pay it or lose all the er employees but erm I was , I was satisfied with without it , I 've been satisfied with my life you know I 've had , there 's been humorous there 's been sad but erm I 'm still able to get around and that 's the main thing .
23 There 's been loud and strong protest over the past few weeks as parents have campaigned against the clinic claiming it presented a threat to their children 's well-being .
24 He has been thrifty and pored over contracts , although there is no preparation for the mental upset of a group folding .
25 For example , he has been married and is still on very good terms with his wife ; their divorce unlocked her true potential , and she is now a part-time feminist studies lecturer at SCU .
26 Where a solicitor realises himself that he has been negligent or his client makes a claim against him on that ground , the client must be told of the circumstances ( if he is not already aware of them ) and be advised to seek independent advice .
27 ‘ Although he has been bad-mouthed and rubbished by lots of the women he has slept with , he never says anything about them , which I suppose is quite admirable . ’
28 She wrote , with an unaccustomed fluency , which made her sister wonder if the words had been thought up by her alone , that : — it would not be good for Oreste to leave here at this moment since he has been ill and though he is making a good recovery the doctor who you can be sure I was quick to call and no expense being spared but your money put to good use has said it would injure his general well-being to travel in his weakened state .
29 Otherwise , there may be good reasons why he has not advanced , perhaps because he has been ill or over-tired .
30 He has been approachable and quite happy to talk about his golf — even his personal life , although he is always on his guard .
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