Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [pron] is [art] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone appreciates there is a need to test the children 's ability , ’ says Mr Brunt .
2 The only force which separates them is the Church , the one single coherent organisation in this country which binds like mortar the different races and degrees of this nation .
3 Another part of the proposals which worries me is the Scottish Office taking responsibility for more of the main roads .
4 Near the top the trees die out and the landscape which replaces them is a shock , for here the rock enters into full possession , turbulent acres of it , broken and jagged .
5 One direction which interests me is the development of what one might call cognitive archaeology , if that is not too grandiose a term : using the material evidence from the past to allow us to begin to say something useful about the way peoples thought , the way they used communication systems , the way they used symbols .
6 These factors are seen as linked , with number 8 — riots and disorder — being the end product which shows there is a crisis .
7 But in the USSR the state which employs him is the sole employer and is the same state which determines whether he have a house or not .
8 The graduated fill allows you to choose a number of colours in the fill , not just two , which means it is a great facility for the poor of taste to prove their shortcomings .
9 In modern medicine , atropine is classified as an anticholinergic drug which means it is an inhibitor of basal and meal-stimulated gastric acid production .
10 The heel is unchamfered , which means there is a sizeable lump of wood in your hand at the top of the neck , but not so much that it seriously hazards navigation on the high Ds .
11 erm which means there is a sort of er disciplinary er sort of element in it .
12 The first thing which strikes one is the speed with which bodies are expected to respond or to change .
13 ‘ However , I get lots of letters from kids asking where they can buy the black shirt , which suggests there is a market .
14 The council , which claims it is the right size to achieve economies of scale , announced it will establish a ‘ Decentralisation Charter ’ to increase the decision-making powers of local communities .
15 It is perhaps ironic that this tablet is one of the few on the market which can be interfaced with the Dragon computer as the company which makes it is the remnants of the firm which designed and built the Dragon .
16 She insists she is the established challenger to Mr Forsyth 's crown and argues that he has not appeared particularly sure-footed during the campaign .
17 To disturb and shake a peacefully dying man simply to oblige your friend here who thinks he is a healer ?
18 A merchant who likes riddles is murdered by his servant , who later hangs himself ; a small , fat , morose man who thinks he is a Hector with the ladies and , when he realises he is not , goes out and hangs himself .
19 Mother says someone put the letters in Father 's desk , and she thinks it is the man who got Father 's job .
20 She thinks she is a vamp putting on a vamp act .
21 She thinks she is a little worried about me .
22 ‘ It 's partly because she has got herself cornered economically , and partly because deep down she thinks there is a nationalist string she can pluck to her electoral advantage .
23 REFUSING drugs to a person who needs them is a disgrace to the medical profession — but this is exactly what some heart-care units in opt-out hospitals are doing .
24 She says she is the Contessa Sforza-Bellini , sir . ’
25 She says there is a need for a better east-west link.But I remain to be convinced that it 's a 3 lane highway , driving its way through Oxfordshire and Wiltshire .
26 " And she says there is no point in praying to someone who does n't exist . "
27 She says there is an urgent need to monitor the process which leads to the decision to videotape .
28 She says it is a very big embarressment to the church .
29 Now she says he is a ‘ self-publicist and bully ’ who surrounds himself with ‘ court jesters and sycophants ’ in the Lords .
30 Who says he is an American ’
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