Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Again , nothing turns on this point .
2 But no-one cares about those things nowadays ’ , Aghredien added .
3 And everyone joins in this charade with talk of them now having time to do all the things they have always wanted to do .
4 Everyone looks at each other , and somebody finally says : ‘ Floyd says you 'll drop dead in a year . ’
5 Everyone looks at each other with the blank expression reserved especially for when someone who is off their trolley comes into the near vicinity .
6 And if someone writes in another language , you wo n't get it for a long time .
7 When someone intrudes into that space , our natural reaction is to move back , unless they are a lover or an attacker , so that we can keep our private area intact .
8 When I moves to this area just over two years ago I knew no-one , my two older children were at school and , although I enjoyed being at home with my two-year-old toddler , I felt that I was getting past the stage of discussing sleepless nights and dirty nappies !
9 I know she were , she were brick shit she were , I said to Lyn I said I 'm bloody sure , I could have actually , she , she were nearly eating out of my arm , in them last few weeks , I 'll tell you , ooh the encouragement I got about the driving ooh I ca n't do it Lyn and when I comes in that day the first test I had she 'd made a great big fucking cake
10 Nothing happens in this work , he wrote , but what of the world ?
11 Each of these challenges comes to nought in the end though , for , as one of the interpreters explains , ‘ Some will say nothing happens in this novel , in this , Convention , and they 'd be dead right .
12 Then on a Sunday night , the village , what they call wakes , they call them wakes in those days , not the village fair , it was the wakes .
13 One definition of function often found in present-day texts is : " A function is a rule which associates with each element of some set A a single element of a second set B.
14 Bangladesh is gifted with a rich supply of water which drains via many rivers into the Bay of Bengal ( see Figure 1 ) .
15 First , it makes good sense because everyone understands the language of money as a common denominator which goes across all boundaries .
16 ‘ It is just a country festival , which goes on all night .
17 For gritty realism there is a piece on London squats , which goes to some lengths to avoid sentimentalising its subject : ‘ Dirty dreadlocks , dogs on strings , and cans of Special Brew . ’
18 They work as two separate writing teams Baddiel and Newman , Punt and Dennis before they collectively decide the material which goes into each show .
19 However , the aim would also appear to be to attempt to override the case law of the European Court which goes beyond this principle .
20 For the sake of individual autonomy , liberals attempt to establish a political system which defers to each person 's chosen way of life rather than one which imposes a conception of the virtuous life upon everyone .
21 One is represented by the Biblical ‘ power to heal sickness and cast out devils ’ ( Mark 3 : 15 ) … the other is represented by the Hippocratic oath … which refers to that ability of healing and that mastery over death which no profession save medicine can claim .
22 The term word group is a term which refers to these groups of words which are grammatically related .
23 It is in fact derived from the Afrikaans wyd meaning wide , which refers to this species ' square upper lip , contrasted with the triangular lip of the other African so-called ‘ Black ’ Rhinoceros .
24 There is nothing more seductive than vanilla which evokes in most people cosy feelings of home-baked cakes , warmth and security .
25 The final element of the geography of the South which contributes to this chapter 's paradox concerns its growth as a major manufacturing region of the United States since about 1960 .
26 Teaching and particularly a scheme of one-to-one tutoring and counselling has to encourage a response from each student which testifies to that student 's commitment to thorough enquiry , hard thinking , self-scrutiny and honesty of purpose , all set within a context of the daily practicalities of management .
27 A fierce and often unscrupulous controversy arose over the relative merits of vaccination and inoculation , which persists to this day in demography journals .
28 Lehr Brisbin , of the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory in South Carolina , believes that radiocaesium , which accumulates in those tissues eaten by humans , could be present in quantities hundreds of times higher than the average in the area .
29 Clearly there is no complete consensus regarding the effects of emotional arousal on memory , the reason for this is that there is no single simple relationship which holds for all types and degrees of arousal on all types of memory performance .
30 And that is a general point , which holds across all disciplines , whether English or engineering , whether mathematics or medicine .
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