Example sentences of "[pron] [vb -s] [verb] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 British scientists have devised a method of recycling oil which has become contaminated with highly toxic polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) while being used to cool cores in electrical transformers .
2 Thirdly , under section 241 the statutory accounts must be laid before the company in general meeting ( unless the company is a private one which has elected to dispense with this requirement under section 252 ) .
3 Taken together , these problems raise the issue of whether anything useful can be said about Black women from a research tradition which has failed to engage with their lives .
4 Yet , as is the case in Flanders and the Netherlands , the residential sector in Britain has continuing relevance , not least in performing a valuable ‘ fail safe ’ role in substitute child care , which includes helping to deal with the aftermath of fostering breakdowns ( see Berridge , 1985 ; Berridge and Cleaver , 1987 ) .
5 Rosemary , who has learnt to cope with severe tinnitus , is all ready to set sail for the THIRD time aboard Lord Nelson , the specially adapted tall ship for disabled adventurers run by the Jubilee Sailing Trust .
6 The only heating in the Waaf huts was from the temperamental iron stove in the centre of each hut , and anyone who has had to struggle with one of these objects will appreciate what I 'm talking about .
7 If it is your mother-in-law who has come to live with you , even greater efforts will usually be required on both sides if there is to be peaceful co-existence , for this is always a challenging relationship ( there are not too many Ruths and Naomis around ) .
8 My hon. Friend has made it clear that no willing volunteer will be turned away and that anybody who wants to continue to serve with the TA will be able to do so , maybe not with the unit in which he is now serving , but with another unit .
9 Anyone who wants to learn to paint with oils could do far worse than follow the advice of ‘ the fastest knife in the West ’ , Nancy Kominsky , as MIRANDA FELLOWS found out
10 She will make it clear right from the start by her tone of voice that it is with tired reluctance that she has decided to deal with you at all .
11 The third set of attitudes relate to those who are known to my Asian colleagues as the ‘ muesli missionaries ’ ( as in ‘ Miranda had an unhappy love affair/acne/a need to save the world , so she has gone to work with the ethnic minorities ’ . )
12 It is as well that she has chosen to stay with you this evening because there is no way I will leave you alone at the farm . ’
13 She has enjoyed working with older people for nearly 20 years as a social worker , a researcher and most recently as Director of Age Concern Scotland .
14 When she does so , you or another relative could suggest staying there with her for a day or two until she is ready to face the loneliness she has to learn to live with .
15 She has to make do with what she 's got … that 's if she 's a nice girl , of course .
16 Apart from having to fight to save her home , she has had to contend with vitriolic press coverage .
17 In school she has had to contend with discussions about ‘ Pakis ’ in the staff room .
18 It has stood her in good stead , for she has had to deal with very serious health problems and has never allowed these to depress or hinder her .
19 Although she appears to have taken with her no significant quantity of clothing nor any substantial sum of money it seems certain that she was carrying her passport …
20 She seems to have dealt with it in a remarkably successful manner .
21 If she does let go with anyone , it 'll be you .
22 Owing to what she sees as a lack of gratitude , she threatens to refuse to continue with the caring tasks .
23 but , then the next morning of course when Wendy got home she 'd been down my nephew 's looking after the kids for them and erm , and said we 've come to arrest you , and no , oh Rachael said oh mum there 's a police car pulled up outside , so she said , oh my god do n't tell me they 're wrong and it is Tracey , cos Tracey 's left home , she 's gone to live with her friend and erm , anyway , when Wendy got to the stairs she could n't go in , she could n't go any further and she said erm , when , when the policeman said Mrs I 've come to arrest you , she just about said Christ she said what have I done ?
24 She 's having our first baby in a couple of weeks and she 's gone to stay with her mother in York .
25 No but she , she came , she 's come to stay with you .
26 The way she 's had to deal with her life is very different to the way us three suburban-born white guys have dealt with ours , and we 're learning something every day — it 's a cool band . ’
27 One has to try to deal with it .
28 He has stayed to deal with them , but still believes God means him to go at some point .
29 Perhaps no player has ever been quite as competitive as Botham , and if his combativeness has led him into trouble off the field it has generally worked in his favour on it — except when he has refused to part with the ball despite not bowling well , or when he has holed out in the deep when a more circumspect approach was required .
30 Whatever one 's opinion , he has missed remarkably little considering he has had to cope with such an endless barrage of fast bowling .
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