Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] say [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And it , it was n't until many years later that I told anyone at all that 's , that 's the thing I was saying about bulimia , it 's very secret .
2 But I was saying about Help the Aged , Check Your Tax .
3 Well we we I was saying to dad , I mean , this one that we were going to get was three sixty .
4 I was saying to dad in bed last night Karen 's twenty three this year
5 I was saying to mum , it 's a shame because you could have somebody else .
6 I was saying to mum it Sally 's was ages before theirs stopped .
7 Well I was saying to Daddy actually I it would be better if I got up first and went in the bathroom .
8 Someone was saying on television
9 Yeah and er somebody was saying on market somewhere cheaper to get it off market erm
10 And tell me you were saying about harvest homes .
11 What you were saying about approachability of lecturers , I 'm not afraid to ask for help , but I am reticent to ask for help more than once on the same thing , because I would hate them to think that I had n't been listening first time round or that I was stupid .
12 Do you kn erm on the subject of I know last last time I came when I spoke to you that you were saying about you were saying about religion and it was and the fact that you erm go to church .
13 Er now you were saying about crime in the area .
14 Yeah , the only other thing like when you were saying about site layouts , if there 's any maps that we need , and that 's including maps for coding , wall maps , you know , large scale .
15 It 's just a special , because it 's a special fraction that we use a lot we just give it a special name and call it percentage , but any time someone says to you like er what 's , let's try this one , now you were saying about point seven five and things
16 Cos you were saying for example with the fact that the the flats they erm people what they actually wanted to buy from here , erm differed from what Yeah .
17 But I thought you were saying in answer to a question my was putting to you that one of the reasons for shouting armed police was so that everybody knows you 're armed police .
18 She suffered dreadfully from hay fever , and many were the times — such as when we picnicked on Ivinghoe Beacon — she would have benefited from emulating Alan Turing who was said to cycle to work wearing an army gas-mask to protect himself from the pollen .
19 Erm so we were saying for example , and this is what we , we 'd actually come up with , the five days of the week , and the three categories of staff , I mean I 've just obviously put erm C L As are in either C L or E O really
20 Now bearing in mind what we were saying about exchange rates before the break , if the pound was strong that obviously implied that people wanted to buy sterling , but what goods did they want to buy off us ?
21 But I think one of the things that men are afraid of is that when women get into the things the attitudes change , as we were saying about bigotry and religion and so on with football , I do n't think that men want that because this is the perfect club they can enjoy and indulge all that , but if women really get into it the thing will change as society does .
22 and er , well what they were saying on bus cos he had a sleep just in front of us last night , somebody said we 're Park Row and they said oh he 's asleep in front there , well that was him you see , so I reckon he comes from there , see I mean , the rest must have just come in here or King 's Lynn , well if they fell out
23 This was said to me , not by me , at a seminar on joint planning the other week and it was said over lunch by the director of another voluntary organisation which shall remain nameless .
24 A man who tempered sentiment with business sense , it was said of Guillaume that he revealed the price of a painting with the same air of awed reverence that he mentioned a woman 's age .
25 It was said with defiance , but even so Jonna was taken aback by the violence of his father 's reaction .
26 It was said in Parliament that ‘ The courts were to become agencies for the rescue as well as the punishment of children . ’
27 It was said in court that the dogs looked different and the breeder again stated that she had not bred them .
28 It was said in Scorer v Seymour-Johns [ 1966 ] 3 All ER 347 per Salmon LJ that the special element can be characterised as the connection relying on the employee to the extent that they regard him as the business rather than his employer : in that case the employer 's business had many recurring customers ( cf Fellowes & Son v Fisher [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 829 ) .
29 It was said in Wickrithe that all Demdykes were crazy , but Aunt Sarah disproved that .
30 It was said in Reg. v. Flemming [ 1973 ] 2 All E.R.
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