Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] not [prep] your " in BNC.

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1 I was n't after your apples .
2 Well that was n't difficult , you had to be rather brazen , you see , and push your way through because although you knew there was a job going somewhere , you were n't on your own and there 's a lot more after it .
3 ‘ When you were n't in your bed , I wondered where you gone . ’
4 ‘ When Conroy and I came in you were not at your post . ’
5 She was not in your story , was she ? ’
6 And if you was n't in your box and anything happened you would n't get nothing .
7 ‘ If it were n't for your penny-pinching ways I would n't be so eager to spend my time in London .
8 Erm not it was n't about your dad , it was about my birthday cos
9 Your father and I would still be in Akmeyon if it was n't for your zeide .
10 if it was n't for your Dynamike I do n't know what I 'd do with myself of an evening .
11 Of course , ’ he added with a twisted smile , ‘ it was n't until your last day in the office that I realised you were under the impression that it was I who 'd had the affair with Elise . ’
12 It was n't in your time , and it was n't in my time .
13 No , that was oh that chap who had painted Venice such a lot , absolutely recognisable , he could see the frontages of the palaces now , what was the man 's name , the sort of name you know so well you could n't think of it when it was n't in your mind .
14 ‘ He turned round and said it was not about your race , or religion , it 's about people — life is about people .
15 If you have , for example , never been a telephone subscriber before ( that is , even if you have had communal use of a telephone but it was not in your name ) you will have to pay a new subscriber charge plus a connection charge .
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