Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd ban coincidences , if I were a dictator of fiction .
2 Even if I were a man of deep sensibility and tact — and it sounds pretty wimpish to me ! — I still needed a good night 's sleep .
3 If I were a member of a species , highly evolved and perfectly adapted to a life among craggy rocks , pecking out the odd lamb 's eye , devouring a few mice , picking through a nice gamey carcass occasionally , but mostly just hovering gracefully around on thermals below cliffs , I would take great exception to being described as ‘ just ’ a crow .
4 If I were a teacher of French , I would be worried that 50 million French people would know ‘ my ’ subject better than I do ; as it is I have no such fears .
5 ‘ Money can not soften some things , ’ Wilson said ‘ and you can not begin to imagine the insults , the nature of the insults , as though I were a woman of the streets …
6 I ventured to express exactly the opposite opinion and was stared at as if I were a hawker of ladies ’ underwear who had accidentally strayed into a monastery . ’
7 For a number of seasons , before I began teaching at New York University and going to the Horn of Africa during the early part of the season , I was a tipster for the Sydney Morning Herald .
8 Now , he shrugs it all off : ‘ I suppose I was a threat to them .
9 With short intervals , from [ eight or nine ] onwards I was a writer by choice .
10 I was a gambler on a winning streak : it did n't matter what number I placed my bet on , it always came up a winner .
11 Well I got given these when I was a rep at when I started , ten years ago and I 've still got half a dozen of these you know .
12 During the late Fifties , Sixties and early Seventies , I was a contributor as a cartoonist under the pseudonym Pav .
13 I was a mixture of desperately upset and very excited , because this was the first physical sign , apart from throwing up , about what was going on .
14 I was a boy of about thirteen snows when my parents sent me away into the hills … to find my Wyakin .
15 When I was a boy of fourteen , my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand the old man around .
16 when I was a boy of fifteen you were expected to half acre of neeps in the day .
17 ‘ When I was a boy in Harlan County we were real poor and every morning I used to wake up and look out of my bedroom window at this mountain called Gray 's Knob .
18 When I was a boy in Salzburg two or three hundred people might hear a concert , listening to something that the great majority of people outside the concert-hall had no knowledge or understanding of .
19 Talk of a bypass through Hailing because of the volume of traffic recalls memories of when I was a boy in the late 20 's and early 30's .
20 It 's like the story Mum used to read me when I was a kid about the white puppy-dog that got lost and its little girl owner looked everywhere for it and when she found it again she did n't recognize it because it 'd got so dirty it was n't her little white dog any longer .
21 You go from er Hopeworths , Mason and Burnhams , John , Gill and Russells , Walker Brothers it was er a terribly industrial , well you could fi Road used to be all granite sets in the road , there was n't the , because there was so much traffic went up and down er it was all made of granite sets when I , when I was a kid , but my , shall I tell you what I used to do when I was a kid for my Saturday morning ?
22 I just do n't like marzipan , I think it was something that to do when I was a kid to be honest
23 ‘ When I was a kid in California my flying instructor was a guy who had flown with the Lafayette Escadrille in France .
24 I was a kind of maid of all works : conducting , coaching , taking chorus rehearsals .
25 I , er first of all I was a kind of shy wee laddie as it were on the council .
26 Does my hon. Friend agree that we should also pay tribute to Friends of the Earth which , when I was a Minister at the Department of Transport , suggested that it would be sensible for the Minister with responsibility for roads to go to the Netherlands with some civil servants to see how traffic calming works there .
27 I was a slip of a lad when the war started , ’ he lamented .
28 Limited as my graces are , I was a stickler for manners and etiquette , which my Dad-in-law thought of as ‘ turnin' 'em into poofs ’ .
29 I was a pathologist in Zimbabwe from 1983 to 1985 , and saw many tissue specimens of lung cancer .
30 There was also one piece of the jigsaw that now slotted into place : before June died , he took LSD in controlled circumstances with a therapist : ‘ I became conscious of very early emotions about not being wanted — feeling that I was a problem to my family as an infant . ’
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