Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [to-vb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If , however , I were to consider the more elaborate findings and reasons which they gave subsequently , then again I would hold their findings and their reasons to be unsustainable .
2 At some time in the Permo-Triassic one group of reptiles ( ‘ mammal-like reptiles ’ ) actually gave rise to the warm-blooded mammals , which were to lead a rather subordinate existence during the heyday of the dinosaurs .
3 Hannah also recalls this meeting , which was to have a most satisfying outcome She was surprised to learn that her meadows contained so much of ecological value and was somewhat confused at first when Mike Prosser turned up that day .
4 But it was the final stage in the history of circumcision which was to have the most far-reaching implications for the woman and her role in the society and religion of her people .
5 Moreover , if she were to enforce a purely nationalist policy in respect of nuclear matters in Scotland , that could have consequences that she would regret — because the quantity of Scottish fuel reprocessed at Sellafield is vastly greater than the amount of overseas fuel brought to Dounreay .
6 Allen was to play an important role in the story of the BUF , in general it was those who came to fascism from outside politics who were to prove the most important elements in the organization .
7 In 1887 , Kautsky , who was to become the most authoritative exponent of Marxism , gave what became the official account of the economic basis for modern nationalism — the drive to create a unified market for capitalist development .
8 To them was born another child , Malekith , who was to become the most hated of Elves .
9 This means that if we were to take a sufficiently large and completely random sample of households from all income groups , we would expect to find that the negative and positive transitory incomes would just cancel each other out so that the aggregate or average transitory income level ( Y T ) would be equal to zero .
10 I mean there are some people in Britain who feel that if we were to mount a really effective counter-terrorist operation .
11 We were to have an even closer encounter with a bear before we left Edgeøya , when we went ashore at the south end of the island at Andre/1e Tangen .
12 One was to answer the commonly held feeling abroad that he and many of his countrymen were anti-Semitic .
13 well the , I think these people who concern themselves very much about dictating the do 's and do n't of fox hunting , if they were to spend a little more time about looking into the research of , how foxes actually live .
14 Whether , of course , I would have taken this view were I to have had someone in my squadron who turned LMF is open to question , When I reflect on the young aircrew that I helped to train in 1940 at Kinloss , some 10 years younger than myself , I marvel that the conversation stage was the last stint before they were to confront a highly lethal opponent .
15 This was the most fundamental fact about the movies in Britain and America and it was to remain the most important fact throughout the great years of the cinema 's hegemony .
16 Nearly 600 years after the first building it was to suffer a most ignoble period for the old building , within whose walls had been seen some of the highest in the land , was to become a Workhouse .
17 Eventually , in the first days of the new decade , it was to find a more permanent home in the socially acceptable Portobello Road .
18 It was to become the most enduring symbol of the evils of the Vichy régime .
19 This general modesty about the rights and powers of human reason might not appear a very dangerous threat to natural theology , but the way in which Hume sharpened and applied it was to have a quite shattering impact .
20 We shall have more to say about this in the next chapter : it was to produce a quite bewildering variety of ‘ reconstructions ’ of Jesus ' personality and history , having for the most part only one thing in common — the conviction that whatever the truth about him might be , it was not the traditional Christian picture of him .
21 It was to prove a wretchedly difficult period .
22 It was to prove the most rewarding of any of Gould 's explorations in Australia .
23 In later years , he was to add a more humorous and personal touch with his series The Recruit 's Progress , which comments on the indignities suffered by noncommissioned army ranks .
24 In later years , he was to add a more humorous and personal touch with his series The Recruit 's Progress , which comments on the indignities suffered by noncommissioned army ranks .
25 But Henry Broadhurst at the 1877 Trades Union Congress expressed what was to become a very important element in working-class respectable ideology .
26 In what was to become a highly politicized era in which the most urgent questions concerned the political and economic significance of the masses it was inevitable that there would be a more intensive scrutiny of the role of film and that more demanding questions would be asked of Hollywood .
27 France , however , clearly led the world in the development of what was to become an increasingly important element in international relations .
28 On 1 April 1990 prisoners took over the Strangeways Prison , Manchester in what was to become the most prolonged protest against inhuman and degrading conditions in penal institutions .
29 Next came what was to prove a particularly important development for the future evolution of Islam .
30 In focusing thus sharply on the question of the relation between religious faith and historical knowledge , Lessing put his finger on what was to prove a more or less permanently controversial topic in theology from his day to this .
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