Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [v-ing] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Kevin and Marie and I were trying to organise them into tribes and wagon trains so we could do the film when Julie sauntered up .
2 … why am I writing all this out as if I were trying to assimilate myself to her ?
3 Different size rivets , different lengths , and I , while I were hotting hotting I knew where , eventually knew where , what size rivet to put in a certain place .
4 Well I were going to say i ca n't rest .
5 I was looking to see which way was the cleanest actually .
6 I was dreading telling them — you ca n't imagine .
7 I was dreading telling him .
8 Actually I was calling to confirm my little trip with Erika tomorrow . ’
9 I was managing to put our disastrous marriage behind me , and I was even getting to the stage where I could look forward to the future .
10 I thought I was managing to hide it . ’
11 I advised them I was ditching threw my headset off , opened the doors and pulled my suit hood up ’ .
12 It 's just that your father 's letter … it seems almost to suggest — ’ At which point the spill I was holding burnt my fingers .
13 Yes , alright , yes , I mean I have n't done it like that , I 've got to analyse it through green , when I actually was aware that I was stopping doing my B M S and had to do something else for whatever reason .
14 Overall , the period when I was collecting had its successes , but there were also some failures .
15 When I when I was learning to drive it was oh , right at the August , September time
16 I do n't tell no lie , I was goin' to ask 'im for the loan of a bob so 's I could get to see this bloke that might be puttin' a bit of business in me way .
17 Oh yes , I can see what you 've done , I tried to ring you and it said erm out of order , cos I was ringing to say I 'm coming to the bank this morning so I 'll pop in for coffee .
18 For amplification I 've got a Marshall 50 from 1979 which is nice but I was hoping to update it soon .
19 I was hoping to see her while I was here , that 's why I came … ’
20 I was hoping to see your husband . ’
21 I was hoping to surprise you — a sort of unexpected wedding present , but it was no good .
22 Er I was , I was hoping to find one but er er yep
23 I was hoping to buy her a ring for Christmas but we just could n't afford it . ’
24 Then one day a couple of months ago he returned , just as I was leaving assuming I 'd missed him .
25 While I was struggling to stop it , frost was formed where it struck my already cold hand .
26 Meanwhile , I was struggling to unfasten myself , but just as I managed to pull my left arm free of the ropes , I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand , and more arrows on my face and body .
27 I think at the point where I was struggling to understand what I could do to help myself , I certainly was n't aware of anything called patient-centred medicine at that point , or group-activity in relation to health .
28 I was struggling to complete my doctoral thesis in an icy northern England when my brother Lorne called me from London with the news that Ringo Starr had agreed to put up £2,000 and the post-production costs of our first adventure film .
29 I was intending to give them to you when you married .
30 I was intending to ambush you too , ’ she confessed .
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