Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [prep] [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I would that you were with us to hear me play the piano which I do every day and Papa declares I make good progress .
2 How ready she was for him to fuck her .
3 Undry was in her mind , shedding troubled surges of light through deep darkness ; what am I going to do ? she wondered , and knew it was beyond her to decide anything .
4 ‘ He was charming , ’ she lied , and felt it was worth it to see him look relieved .
5 But it was worth it to keep the wolves from the door .
6 It was worth it to tell you what a toad you are .
7 By 19 November he had the whole amount , 30 francs , from Theo , and was writing to say how kind and humane it was of him to let him have the ticket money .
8 Naturally she had not wanted to go out with him , but both her mother and father stressed how nice it was of him to take such an interest in the fact that she was going off to university and wanted to take her to the pictures as a treat .
9 Then you will also know how stupid it was of you to attempt to deceive us . ’
10 Kind it was of you to bring the lass solid meat in this cold weather .
11 Her family wrote and said that Medau was Beryl 's whole life and what a great comfort it was to them to know she had so many loving friends .
12 They were her protectors , older , stronger , more clever and brave , and yet they had assumed it was for her to say what they were to do .
13 No one would know how hard it was for her to act the bride she would never be .
14 The New York Herald headlined ‘ These Girl 's Do n't Drink , Smoke or Flirt ’ and printed an article , attributed to Mary , in which she explained how difficult it was for her to maintain discipline in a society where young girls were surrounded on every side by such bad examples of free and easy ways in all walks of life .
15 Quite clearly it was for me to initiate action to ensure that all aircraft of that type were checked for similar fractures at the earliest possible moment , but the responsibility for ordering such an inspection lies with the airworthiness authorities of the States in which the aircraft were registered and not with the accident investigation authorities .
16 I knew it was for me to approach the Colonel again , rather than vice versa .
17 The fact that I should think this , and thought this at the time when I was one of the leaders of the movement campaigning for the ordination of women , brings it home to me how difficult it was for me to work within that movement .
18 And he went and told them how necessary it was for him to go to Canada , in the interests of the firm .
19 The same day , Mobutu warned the conference against this course , asserting in a statement read on national radio that under the present Constitution it was for him to appoint the head of government .
20 Not only would I have refrained from interfering with Thorpe J. 's decision on the footing that he had properly directed himself and that it was for him to decide , but because , even on the facts as they then were , I consider that his decision was plainly right .
21 But Caspar , belatedly gallant , said that it was for him to lead the way .
22 At this moment it was for him to protect her , and he must find a way to do it .
23 He leaned forward , smiling , playing the perfect host , knowing how important it was for him to win these young men over .
24 So he said I I do n't want to keep you , and I I could see what struggle it was for him to come a er so often in the bad weather , that er I I started the same idea .
25 Similarly , directors have noted how rare it was for him to bring his natural rage into play on screen .
26 He avoided her glance , and she saw how difficult it was for him to admit to weakness .
27 In fact , Galileo 's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) shows how difficult it was for him to pursue such an argument , even had he wished .
28 She told herself later that she could n't have been expected to remember what a knife-edge he lived on , how hard it was for him to trust anyone .
29 Most meal-times took an hour or more but she had realized how important it was for him to eat .
30 Our guide Sam gave us very clear instructions — he did n't need to emphasise how important it was for us to do exactly as he said .
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