Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [prep] [be] find " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The following afternoon I was to be found in Green Park near Buckingham Palace with two ‘ smart ’ ladies in tow , the Hon Mrs This and That , and I had to photograph their hats .
2 Group tramways in the early days to deal with the problem of the very dusty streets which were to be found in most towns then in summer .
3 Moreover the Yek had a horror of the mutations which were still the occasional result of the patches of radiation which were to be found in places around the continent , and they had laws to prevent the proliferation of mutant types through succeeding generations .
4 Though always happy at Saint Cloud , the Emperor had a weakness for the great palace of Fontainebleau , perhaps because of its associations with Napoleon I. Because of the magnificence of the palace it was impossible to live a quiet family life and so June was a month of great social activity , a sort of informal summer Court , at which was to be found the glittering society so indelibly associated with the regime .
5 Although admitting to the Kuomintang General Chang Fa-k'uei that he was a communist , he apparently persuaded him that it would take fifty years for communism to work in Vietnam ; and , in any event , it appeared that , of all the groupings of Vietnamese nationalists , patriots , émigrés and revolutionaries who were to be found in Southeast China , none of them was as dynamic as the Vietminh .
6 Once the choir had filed into their places there was standing room only , and even Mr Salmon , wearing a long black coat and deep-brimmed black hat , was among those who were to be found huddled at the back .
7 Out of the kindness of their enormous hearts , the giants had lifted her out of her icy misery and carefully put her down in the warmer waters where she was to be found today .
8 Five years later she was to be found lecturing on her expedition to the Gabon , she had climbed Mount Cameroon , and her Travels in West Africa was published to consolidate her reputation as a ‘ fish and fetish ’ expert .
9 Every spring she was to be found visiting Fife .
10 The answer to everything , not only cancer but life itself was to be found in our own hands .
11 The answer , if one were to be found , quite obviously lay outside the restrictive confines of manly pursuit .
12 Full of enthusiasm , therefore , and anxious to try this product , I toured Gateway and other supermarkets but the product was too kwick for me and not one was to be found .
13 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
14 In that development there was to be found during the twenty years of his chairmanship no place for industrial democracy such as the admission of self-governing producers ' co-operatives would have admitted .
15 Among the gentry residing there was to be found Mr Benedict Beckenham , riding as hard as he could to the devil .
16 Though what enchantment there was to be found in that love , she failed to see .
17 Yet last Saturday they were to be found in Henley , rowing in trials together with up to a hundred other hopefuls from all over Britain .
18 Sometimes they were to be found in a corner , solemnly talking to a rather battered doll whose arms and legs were always popping off , waiting to be clipped on by a passing ‘ brother ’ who was inevitably obliging .
19 In Buckinghamshire four of the five wealthiest lived in Aylesbury , Amersham and Buckingham , and elsewhere they were to be found at places like Bromsgrove and Kidderminster , Worcs. , and Blakeney , Little Walsingham and Great Yarmouth , Norfolk .
20 Testimony and documentary evidence would , they envisaged , be presented either to the forum court or obtained by Letter of Request in the foreign country in which they were to be found .
21 The book trade — where they were to be found in large numbers — differed from the other kinds of printing in several ways .
22 They were to be found on school working parties , at fund-raising events and parents ' evenings .
23 It is probably no accident that they were to be found in most classes of urban or other settlements and in military vici .
24 In fact while we find duces in charge of groups of civitates , they also appear as leaders of royal armies , without any clear geographical base , and they were to be found engaged in a wide variety of other activites , including diplomatic missions .
25 If we count cities of over 500,000 inhabitants as ‘ big ’ , fourteen out of twenty-three of them were to be found in five countries , the United Kingdom ( 6 ) , Germany ( 3 ) , France ( 3 ) , Belgium ( 1 ) and Holland ( 1 ) .
26 In a contested election , however , it was impossible to do much with direct patronage , even if such were available , for there was never enough to do more than grease the palms of a handful of venal men , most of whom were to be found in the burgh councils .
27 Readership was still small relative to the whole population , but among it were to be found most of those active in the leadership of TANU and other areas of African advancement .
28 It was to be found in the libraries of other leading Virginians : Lord Botetourt , Thos .
29 For example , she considered Yardley 's Foundation Cream highly desirable , and would purchase it at every shop where it was to be found , with the consequence that she must have had dozens of pots stored , all drying up , in the limited accommodation provided in her billet .
30 In the Imperial apartments , running water had been installed , but this was the only place where it was to be found and all the other rooms were still dependent on the ministrations of servants .
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