Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [prep] [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Now I was to be a sales assistant .
2 : I did the only thing I could think of , and retired to bed ; if I was to be a blade of grass doomed to be trampled flat , then I might as well accept it and lie down .
3 It was a number of weeks ago I had cause to sit on it to do some paperwork ; I then found out I was to be a father again .
4 I was to be an avenging angel : Justice , putting right what could not be done through the courts .
5 His passionate ambition was to lead a crusade against the Turks , and in so doing to unite Christendom — a vision which anticipated that of Charles V , and a policy which was to be a major preoccupation of both Charles and Philip II throughout the sixteenth century .
6 Suddenly Louis was heir to a vast realm that excluded only Italy , which was to be a vassal kingdom tor Pepin 's son Bernard .
7 On 22 January 1946 he agreed to the formation of the Central Intelligence Group ( CIG ) , which was to be a small organisation simply collating all forms of foreign intelligence and reporting back to the president through the National Intelligence Authority ( NIA ) .
8 It was here that he made his name , carrying out the first really ambitious operation of its kind in the country , which was to be a blueprint for his ‘ Great Design ’ for the Fens .
9 The citizens of Pisa by then had recently taken over its government from the archbishop — they had formed the commune of consuls in the early 1080s which was to be a model for innumerable cities in Tuscany and Lombardy and Umbria to follow in the next two generations , the characteristic Italian commune .
10 At least I do n't think so , ’ I told her , but she just smiled and told me she had no further use for me that day and to call the next day which was to be a school holiday .
11 On his shoulder he carried a holy Torah which was to be a gift to his place of worship .
12 One of the most devoted of the pupils of Cyril and Methodius , Clement ( Sveti Kliment ) of Ohrid , built a monastery on the shores of Lake Ohrid , which was to be a centre of Christian learning for the last thirty years of his long life ( he died in 916 ) .
13 The city had been devastated by German bombing during the Second World War and its newly built cathedral , which was to be a symbol of its phoenix-like rise from the ashes , was still awaiting the final touches before its opening .
14 That article , which was to be a preview of the 1923 show , essentially elaborated Rosenfeld 's remarks about O'Keeffe in ‘ American painting ’ .
15 The Chairman for the evening — Mr R. Mulford — welcomed all present to an evening which was to be an informal discussion centred on Members ' reminiscences of the BCR in its working days .
16 He had concluded that there was no likelihood of a breach of the peace , largely , it would seem , because the protesters had emphasised that theirs was to be a peaceful event .
17 More junior staff came , who were to be a great help to us .
18 She was to be a Spirit Warrior .
19 In any event , and no matter what reforms were contemplated , the issue that was posed by Marius Moutet , pre-war Minister for the Colonies in the Popular Front and shortly to become Minister for Overseas France , was whether or not France really considered herself to be a nation of 100 m. and whether or not she was to be a great power .
20 She left elementary school at fourteen to take a job filling seed packets for five shillings a week ; later she worked for a draper and subsequently for the Co-op , where she joined the union movement of which she was to be a lifelong member .
21 During this time it is likely that he also met Pompeo Batoni who was to be a considerable influence on his early manner .
22 Milhaez cradled his daughter in his lap , the one who was to be a doctor in England .
23 Louis Untermeyer , Robert Frost 's correspondent who was to be an influential anthologist , wrote of Poems ( The Freeman , 30 June 1920 ) that ‘ Eliot cares more for his art than he does for his attitudes ’ ; and that ‘ the exaltation which is the very breath of poetry — that combination of tenderness and toughness — is scarcely ever present in Eliot 's lines ’ .
24 This in itself was to be a major factor in Franco 's permanence in power in the years to come .
25 One was for being a substitute in a local soccer cup final .
26 If there were to be a programme of comparable generosity to the new democracies , it would be necessary to reduce some category of expenditure within the industrial countries .
27 There were to be a lot of evacuations in the coming years , by land , sea and air , each accompanied by promises from departing residents that their absence would only be temporary .
28 He had only been a stop-gap , to fill in after Father Collins 's long , thirty-five-year ministry and the appointment of a permanent successor , if there were to be a successor .
29 If there were to be a failure in maintaining this conquest , the ‘ livelihood ’ of these people would be at stake .
30 If moreover there were to be a case of parthenogenesis , the resulting foetus would be female , for there would be no ‘ Y ’ chromosome present !
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