Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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1 I was upstairs with the other two , she could have just taken the other one
2 Now I was up with the world 's elite sprinters , with Ben and Carl , Calvin and Dennis .
3 I thought that as I was up with him , I was up with the leaders .
4 Well we nearly when I was up with the children at the to when I was
5 Oddly enough , I was not with the rest of the aircraft that were in the search ; in fact my station was offshore — not on the coast , or inshore — but quite some distance out in the Gulf .
6 When I was n't with the animals I spent hours playing with my favourite toy , a large piece of wood which I pretended was our horse , Dicks .
7 I was n't with the Company any more and Arnie did n't have much in the way of friends left in DC so …
8 Then I said I was here with the family and she announced she was having a party for the local English , ‘ a rather disgusting barbecue ’ which she knew young people liked , and she supposed we 'd better come along .
9 Only a few more yards , and soon I was inside with the door locked after me .
10 When I was out with the children the other day she took a call from Tim Dunton .
11 It happened while I was still with the SDECE .
12 He suspected that if he were to walk into the newsroom and make an arrest there would be only a momentary gasp before someone was out with the first of a new crop of jokes .
13 I thought you were up with the latest fashions .
14 ‘ You will have matured while you were away with the family , ’ says Linda Stoker of Dow-Stoker .
15 ‘ I thought you were out with the others . ’
16 Every day you were in with the
17 When you said you were at Acre you were there with the King .
18 As Maura watched the dust motes flying through the air in the rays of the June sun she wished that she was outside with the younger children .
19 Originally from Hull and now living near Llangollen she was previously with the Royal Exchange Theatre , Manchester and is a former Press officer for the National Musems and Galleries , Merseyside .
20 She was there with the warmth , sympathy and understanding that few others could offer .
21 She was behind with the rent , the timber merchant had given her notice , but she had done nothing about it — what could she do ?
22 Chauvel 's images are n't pretty , they are n't clean , they 're not Nachtwey ( who was also with the Black Star agency and is now in Magnum ) .
23 This impressive series of statutes may owe something to the influence of Justinian 's Code and Digest , which was the core of Roman law and the foundation of the training of civil lawyers ; yet while Roman law was part of the atmosphere breathed by nearly all lawyers in the thirteenth century , and at least one outstanding civil lawyer , Vacarius , was familiar to Englishmen , the statutes on the whole betray little impress of Justinian , concerned as they were largely with the clarification of traditional indigenous and feudal problems .
24 Next thing they were down with the measuring up and we 'd just got a four thousand pound rate bill !
25 She was shivering , but it was not with the cold , nor even reaction to what apparently had been a near escape .
26 For the next picture , it was on with the stage makeup and into something a little more outrageous — Betty 's turn , in other words .
27 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
28 It was partly with the new saw table and also he wanted to try and get more er sellable saleable product out of the slate , cos previously we had been throwing away quite a bit or giving it to and I think it really started as a family argument between him and his brother .
29 We sang marching across the muddy fields in front of the farmhouse , we sang in the cookhouse tent before we were allowed to eat , we sang at parade before we went off to exercise , and at any point that the staff thought we had nothing to do , it was out with the songbooks .
30 It was out with the old and in with the new for the start of the speedway season in Swindon .
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