Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , but she said I were called one night I went with her daughter-in-law
2 If I were to take this gun and shoot … who ?
3 If I were to choose any country in the world to live as a family in it would have to be somewhere different , perhaps exotic .
4 When I left at two o'clock , Tally and I were addressing each other by first names ( ‘ Elliot ’ was strange to him and we settled for ‘ Ellix ’ ) and I was able to address the two waitresses by their first names without feeling uncomfortable .
5 I were gon na report it today then I got talking with gaffer I were sorting this job out
6 I were telling you about Irene , I were filling this thing in and I put right , sixty four I were gon na put sixty four , that were it .
7 When I first started I were getting fourteen shilling a day .
8 And I were to guess that learning together is also a model of rich and diverse possibilities .
9 Well they 've wanted a mid-field player and a good striker , now people well write letters to local press informing them of this , but they do n't seem to be prepared to do this , they , the managers want to do their own thing as far as I can see they think the people on the terraces do n't know anything , but Jim and I were saying last night they wanted a mid-field player for ages now all this season , a ball winner , they have n't had one since Willie used to play and
10 DENNING J. stated the facts and continued : If I were to consider this matter without regard to recent developments in the law , there is no doubt that , had the plaintiffs claimed it , they would have been entitled to recover ground rent at the rate of £2,500 a year from the beginning of the term , since the lease under which it was payable was a lease under seal which , according to the old common law , could not be varied by an agreement by parol ( whether in writing or not ) , but only by deed .
11 I had a phone call , and you know that place I were going this afternoon ?
12 If I were to rewrite this book in ten years ' time , in the light of further research and experience , my own views might well have changed somewhat .
13 If I were to seek one word to describe the quality of these works of art many by famous names , many by local artists to whom the purchase brought rare encouragement — I should say that they are alive .
14 Stockholm-based DJ Dr Alban — who has shot to No 4 with It 's My Life admits : ‘ I was drilling this guy 's tooth when all of a sudden blood started spurting everywhere .
15 Said I was to take extra care to keep your ears warm , specially with this wind .
16 So for instance if my backup window is an hour and that 's how long it take me to backup my database today , if had the backup server and I was using one device it took an hour , if I used two it would learn one dialect of S Q L. as
17 Cos I was using that issue at that time , but we always make the proviso that if things change , you may have to alter your mind about where your money 's placed .
18 I was singing little Hareton to sleep when Catherine came in .
19 Then he said , ‘ If I was to advertise this job how likely would you be to apply for it ? ’ , and suddenly the hairs prickled on the back of my neck , because I knew he was serious .
20 Oh I was bored to tears and I was eating whole time
21 I was watching that film and thinking of her .
22 I was watching that nun talking to you — it seems to have given you quite a turn . ’
23 I was watching Central News , Mr was on it and all , like you know that bloke that comes in with his wife with the grey hair that 's always really moody , they have a bottle of Frascati and always drink las
24 Yeah , well when I was typing that bit — I actually said originally except Lorimer .
25 Although we are n't a politically active family , I was discussing Prime Minister John Major 's plan for a classless society with my sister Lynn when my niece Natalie said : ‘ Will this mean we wo n't have to go to school any more ? ’
26 I suppose one of the things I use to demonstrate it most clearly is that for many years I s I gave lectures on communications and one of the things I used to say in those lectures was I did not know , and I was stressing that sense what came first if newspapers write stories in a particular way , because that is what the public wanted or do public want a particular type of story and that 's that newspapers round-up and I stopped posing that question when Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun because Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun and introduced a lot of sex-type stories you know stories about brothels and madames whipping people and goodness knows what else and the sales rocketed and there we had almost a captive example of change in the design of change in the type of stories that were written and people , people were buying it and so you have an issue of you know that your content was actually being by what your readership wanted .
27 Later I was to see this body investigating a syllabus elsewhere .
28 My reply was , ‘ Oh , please promote me — I was fired last time ! ’
29 I was made head girl there and captain of the senior hockey team .
30 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
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