Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Your mother and I were friends from our schooldays .
2 I was friends with him for a week and he was very eloquent .
3 I was Ronni to everyone before I could even walk . ’
4 And I was chairman of it for about six years or so before the council broke up .
5 I was seconds behind you , entering the hole , but I 've only just arrived .
6 I admit I was party to their tricks for a while but in Brittany the Luciferi began to remove , through assassination or spurious trials , any who opposed the French crown .
7 " Whatever it was you said to him has caused him to cancel the work I was doing for him .
8 ‘ I could understand it with the men , who thought I was coming-on to them , but the women 's reluctance puzzled me , until I discovered that the City people discouraged the country dwellers ( she objects to the word ‘ peasant ’ ) from having their picture taken .
9 ‘ I could understand it with the men , who thought I was coming-on to them , but the women 's reluctance puzzled me , until I discovered that the City people discouraged the country dwellers ( she objects to the word ‘ peasant ’ ) from having their picture taken .
10 Buildings which were evidence of its 900 years history have disappeared and their places taken by unremarkable retail stores and car parks so that several references to streets and buildings in the book are difficult to follow .
11 Governments had to live up to the mythical images of themselves which were part of their acceptability .
12 The further north we reached the more weird and wonderful floating contraptions we encountered , merchant ships converted to drilling barges , special pipe-laying barges which were mini-townships within themselves with populations of up to 200 crewmen .
13 Some lenders have already had their fingers burnt and have had to write off loans and lose their investments , rather than take on responsibility for contaminated land which was part of their security .
14 Was it a Government commitment which was part of their manifesto ?
15 ‘ He gave me so much — quite apart from sexual fulfilment , which was part of it , and a very exciting and wonderful part because he taught me so much about sex . ’
16 These he carried home , partly because the little room lacked storage space , partly to appease the secretive , magpie instinct which was part of his nature : he loved to keep , hide , obfuscate , cover his tracks ; he had fantasies in the watches of the night of other scholars stealing a march on him and publishing the definitive study of Walter Machin first ( though how that would be possible , in view of his privileged position , he would have been hard put to it to say ) .
17 Gerry , a member of the Belfast Telegraph staff for 25 years , and previously with the Irish News , underwent a quadruple heart by-pass operation in 1983 but within a week he had started writing his column again from his hospital bed — a column which was part of his life .
18 Her decision to decline the Home Office job — which was promotion from her previous junior role at the Health Department — surprised her colleagues at Westminster .
19 On the other hand , there may obviously be cases where the plaintiff establishes a prima facie case by proving that he suffered damage from acts done in combination by the defendants the natural and probable outcome of which was damage to him .
20 Since then she has written to tell us of her first reply and we thought you 'd also be interested in some of the suggestions that came in , including Dee Murton 's account of the origin of these cardboard cones which was news to us .
21 She felt transported into their safe , happy world , felt as though she were part of it .
22 The next family to occupy Nelson House was the Linds , who were friends of my family .
23 Hayling nominated Riley and Bohanna , who were cronies from his days as a ‘ workerist ’ Big Flame activist at Fords .
24 We fought as one nation during the war and of course those Englishmen here today old enough to remember the period will recall , I 'm sure , the young American G Is who were part of our community .
25 with one exception , all [ scholars ] contacted have expressed strongly that the service did not appear to see the practical relevance of university training , did not know how to exploit the benefits gained by the individual and in many cases showed noticeable coolness to those who were part of it .
26 Rulers who were kings in their own right were placed in a subordinate ‘ feudal ’ relationship to the kings of France as a result of their continental inheritance .
27 A had no proprietary interest in the farm but had transmitted earlier offers for it to the bank who were trustees of it .
28 A long-standing friendship with an Asian family who were neighbours of mine led to my being involved in the process of Statementing their youngest child , Balbinder Singh .
29 The Serbs are first referred to as a distinct group in the Balkans in the writings of the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII ( Porphyrogenitus , nominally emperor from 913 to 959 but effectively so from 945 ) His massive work De administrando imperio , written in the tenth century , refers to Serbs who were subjects of his predecessors and who were converted to Christianity in the ninth century .
30 If the restraint is confined to acting on behalf of people who were clients of your firm during the subsistence of the employment , it may be valid .
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