Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And if you can do all that with her husband just a few feet away , blissfully unaware that he 's the butt of the joke , then yours is his house and everything that 's in it , old son .
2 It is Jesus Christ and his service which is their goal and glory .
3 They have their own values and priorities , not the least of which is their self-preservation and acquisition of social status .
4 Here they 've now installed a greenhouse which is their pride and joy and somewhere to relax after a hard day 's gardening .
5 To support the strikers effectively , which is their duty and responsibility , would entail breaking the law , or at least risk doing so .
6 They meet , they chat , they find they have something in common which is their grief and eventually love blossoms .
7 To do so , Graham Bowstead says the company has several strong selling points , not least of which is its office and factory in London .
8 It 's true I think er as Mr said at some length er that er this measure would not prevent hunting in in most of the area in which it it takes place , through plenty of it happens of course well to the West of the A six er perhaps it might even get out there from time to time but our duty clearly is to see er that the right thing is done in the territory which is our responsibility and our other responsibility is surely to set an example of decent humanity .
9 You then get wheeled out and put back into your bed which is your home and you feel very lonely and you go to sleep and you wake up and you start all over again .
10 So I thought well and I said , do you reckon that 's in a , I said which is your favourite cos there was a load of different she said , that 's mine .
11 Alongside , you 'll find details of the BCMA grading scheme , which is your assurance that the carpet has been independently checked to comply with various BS tests .
12 You called your wife a tart , which is your business and hers , but you also said that if you 'd known where she 'd gone you would have caught her at it .
13 Up to date and she 's her mum and dad 's L Ps .
14 She 's his wife and a sick woman and he promised ‘ In sickness and in health ’ . ’
15 I 'm not getting into a fight over some silly little first-year whether she 's your sister or not , and if you 'll excuse me , this porridge is bad enough hot , but cold it 's inedible and there 's a long way to go till lunchtime . ’
16 She 's your sister and it would give you a break .
17 I know she 's your sister and I 'm desperately sorry about what 's happened to her .
18 She 's my friend as well , but I do n't mind . ’
19 She 's my daughter and I 'll do what I like with her . ’
20 It 's very hard for us to live without parents , but with our sister at least we feel secured cos if she 's our guardian and she look after us .
21 Who 's my contact if I want to get in touch with you ? ’
22 In her company I feel she is my friend because she likes me , and not because she looks good beside me .
23 ‘ Even so , she is my responsibility and I could not have left her here alone . ’
24 She is my responsibility and I am merely suggesting that you may want to go home .
25 Despite the way I sometimes rag her , she is my sister and I do love her , so do n't take this as being disloyal .
26 I know she can be difficult , but she is my sister and I love her . ’
27 She is my maid and her fingers are much smaller than yours and then she 'll want to put a salve on it and … ’
28 Surely it is God , Moses implies , who is their mother and nurse , and as such he , or rather she , must provide food for her people .
29 This way a man may always read who is his friend and who his enemy . ’
30 Father hear us through your Son ; Who is our food and our life .
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