Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [v-ing] they [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It takes only a month , a few dozen overseas phone calls to get the guarantee from the Philippine bank , which is handing them out like free samples .
2 Somebody 's putting them back in !
3 So , she 's writing them down , and then forgotten about them .
4 I hope she 's bringing them back aye .
5 Not only that she 's bringing them back to my house , you know what I mean ?
6 So she 's saving them up for a
7 She 's picking them up tomorrow morning is n't she .
8 Eh , he says , she 's not rocking , he said , When you see them lifeboats , he says , you know she 's knocking them down .
9 So , if these psychic gifts do exist , who is handing them out ?
10 Good for them : the New FADS always had a tough , idiosyncratic streak , and nowadays it 's holding them in chompingly good stead for the guitar-slashing likes of ‘ It 's Not What You Know ’ .
11 It 's holding them back .
12 it 's bringing them back
13 It 's phoning them up and the person I want to talk to is n't there !
14 well not posters , the horsewatch is a prime example where I wanted to look at setting a format in a particular way , and to sit at the side of either Alf or Tracey well now alter it to that or to that I 'm sure they 'd do it , but nevertheless it 's putting them off their work .
15 ‘ Smoking them 's not too bad , it 's putting them out with your foot that really hurts ’
16 Tonight we visit a village which is so proud of it 's gardens , it 's opening them up for the public to enjoy .
17 At the time it appalled the traditionalists ; now it is winning them round with its logical elegance , nostalgic glamour and atmosphere of cocktails on a Cunard liner .
18 Soon he will talk to local producers about taking a share , but for the moment he is holding them off .
19 If he can only argue to himself that they seem ’ interesting' it is highly likely that he does not really know why he is putting them in , or what he will do with the answers when he gets them .
20 Whatever the opposition , The Cricketer is fielding well ; at any rate , he 's bowling them over out West .
21 He 's taking them over and I
22 Mm , mm and no , I dropped them off this morning , that 's it , he 's picking them up
23 He takes the belt to them for nicking one minute , and then the next he 's sending them out to do it .
24 I do n't know , if you 're like me but , I must confess , I I get er , I would n't say pleasure , but I rather like those incidents where he tells the disciples off , not because he 's telling them off , but because I can fit in wi with what they 've been up to !
25 And th , so i in Matthew , it 's in Matthew chapter eight , the incident , th the the , of the er the the storm , and , listen to what Jesus says when he , when he 's , when he 's telling them off .
26 He 's putting them back in his pocket , he do n't ask anybody if they want any does he ?
27 say your , er , er , and erm because there was no money in potatoes he , his sheds etcetera and his barns , he 's converted them and he 's letting them off as craft places
28 He 's bunging them off .
29 I was disappointed when my snails arrived already out of their shells — part of the pleasure for me is digging them out of their homes- but perhaps this is Chez Gerard 's gesture to British sqeamishness .
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