Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] say [that] " in BNC.

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1 Which is also to say that it is not the case that there is no connection , or that a category mistake is involved in the mere comparison .
2 They exist ‘ merely as a means ’ which is only to say that , lacking language and self-consciousness , they are unable to plan and debate projects of their own as do moral agents .
3 I think she 's right saying that er er watch that off
4 No one is yet saying that either company will follow Bond , Hawkins or Skase .
5 Now then part of it is they ask me You do n't have to , but they ask me to ask people to sign erm to say It 's just to say that you do n't mind your conversation being used .
6 It 's just to say that I 'm going to Norwich for a couple of hours to buy some materials .
7 It 's just to say that it 's not going up as much as they thought .
8 It 's always said that Oppositions rarely win elections , Governments lose them .
9 In fact it 's sometimes said that it 's one of the very great privileges of the public is that they can , by dint of writing something , and putting it in an envelope with a stamp on it , get it to arrive on an editor 's desk , and have the editor at least give a cursory glance if not a more serious glance at what 's going on , so it 's a privilege and it 's an opportunity in that case .
10 He 'd walk me home from school and it 's often said that he carried my ballet shoes , which sounds kind of romantic , but he actually did sometimes , if I was carrying a whole load of things .
11 It 's project engineering Roger but it 's actually saying that the project manager needs to be trained to ferret out certain information .
12 This is not to say that PGCE ( and in-service ) tutors do not attempt to develop ‘ professional ’ rather than ‘ craftsman ’ knowledge and attitudes , it is rather to say that the professional knowledge is built on shaky foundations .
13 It is normally said that as one goes further up this ascent of languages , the code becomes progressively more like a natural language such as English .
14 Yet it is normally said that it is a breach of an agent 's duty to act for competing principals .
15 Although it is repeatedly said that at common law a man must keep his fire ‘ at his peril , ’ research shows that we can not be sure that at any period in the history of the common law a man was absolutely liable for the escape of his fire .
16 Now it is frequently said that the development of skilled movement ‘ lags ’ a long way behind that of skilled perception , and in one sense this is certainly true : young babies have excellent visual acuity as revealed by their behavioural discrimination of , and neural responsivity , to gratings and chequerboards — but we do n't see them playing darts !
17 It is frequently said that you can make statistics say what you want them to say .
18 It is frequently said that most herbs do best if they are growing in well-drained soil , somewhat short of plant food , and in a position which is sunny and sheltered .
19 It is frequently said that the question of absurdity can not influence a decision in any type of case except the one just stated .
20 On a second or subsequent marriage it is frequently said that a wedding speech should make no reference to previous spouses , nor children of earlier marriages unless they are junior pages and need to be acknowledged and welcomed , or even the fact that either party has been married before .
21 It is frequently said that like changes have not been seen since the invention of the printed book but a good argument can be made for comparing the IT revolution with the invention of writing itself .
22 It is also said that he leaves the defence undermanned , but neither charge was proved on Saturday as Barcelona rode adversity in an absorbing match that emphasised , as one knew it would , how hurried and imprecise so much of the British game has become and how necessary it is that we cherish such exceptions as Liverpool , Norwich and Nottingham Forest if the art is not essentially to be driven out .
23 It is also said that Hinduism believes in an impersonal rather than a personal Deity .
24 It is also said that the Vikings introduced the finchback characteristic to Normandy in the ninth or tenth century and , according to a detailed history of the Gloucester breed by Adam Stout , there could be a common ancestry with the finchbacked Longhorn of Lancashire through Scandinavian cattle brought to Shetland , Ireland and Lancashire by the Vikings .
25 It is also said that Moorcroft was shocked to find that his co-professor was wholly ignorant of all veterinary matters ; yet Moorcroft and Coleman had negotiated the terms of their joint appointment , and it is inconceivable that Moorcroft could have remained unaware of his future colleague 's lack of veterinary knowledge .
26 It is also said that in times when Russia has need of strength in battle , these horses will awake their masters and carry them to where they are needed .
27 It is also said that girls are more verbally adept and can express complex concepts more readily than boys .
28 It is also said that Jacqueline had begun writing to a young Glaswegian who really was in prison .
29 It is also said that they are able to exercise an element of independent supervision over inside management .
30 It is usually said that the introduction of NEP pacified the peasants , but the Famine had a quicker effect in this respect .
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