Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [art] [noun sg] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 which is a mutation itself actually is more is course
2 ‘ We did not want the burden of administration falling on the taxpayer so we put it on the prime beneficiary , which is the farmer himself . ’
3 Now she 's a judge herself .
4 ‘ Perhaps they think she can take it because she 's an interviewer herself . ’
5 James Lee Byars , who is no slouch himself in the mystical department , deploys white marble balls at Mary Boone ( until the 25th ) .
6 ‘ And then , of course , there 's the house itself . ’
7 Then there 's the game itself .
8 Then there is the golf itself .
9 First , there is the prison itself , as a physical entity — apparently given only a very minor role in the classical model .
10 It 's the quarter itself .
11 Besides , it 's the house itself I like , not the setting . ’
12 For some , it 's the chewing itself that relieves tension .
13 It is the trip itself .
14 But it is the university itself which gives the scene its elegance .
15 it is the act itself you must cherish .
16 In the above case The Times mentioned that ‘ the rapist has been leading a fox-style existence living rough in wooded countryside ’ , but within a few months it was clear , in yet another case , that it is the nickname itself which becomes crucial rather than any particular style of existence .
17 But it is the Duchess herself who most obviously embodies those qualities of courage and fidelity that act as an antidote to the surrounding evil .
18 For Jacqueline , as for all artists , it is the work itself that remains the point of departure and intrigue .
19 Father ! ’ ’ it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God , and if children , then heirs . ’
20 Father ’ , it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our Spirit that we are children of God , and if children then heirs , heirs of God and fellow-heirs with Christ , provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him' ( Rom. 8:15ff ) .
21 In her other essay she considers the theme of female deceptiveness in those scriptures , arguing that it is the text itself which is deceptive through its failing to name the real problem : namely that the power relations which pertained between men and women forced women to seek to obtain their ends through underhand means , while at the same time the deviousness of women is used to justify their inferior position .
22 Commentary … allows us to say something other than the text itself , but on condition that it is the text itself which is said , and in a sense completed .
23 Since it is the poet himself who is the subject , the poem comes across as a very genuine and deeply moving piece of work which regards the real feelings and fears of one who is in the process of losing his own life , rather than , as convention would have it , those of one who has lost another .
24 Last year you will remember I caused something of a sensation by announcing that this boat would cost £1m to build , this year it is the boat herself which is causing the sensation . ’
25 To the critics , however , it is the corpus itself which is irrational .
26 This point is further elaborated by Romaine ( 1989 : 148 – 9 ) , who writes : " it is the switch itself which must be significant , rather than the accuracy of the representation of the reported speech with respect to its linguistic form " .
27 After all , he is a father himself !
28 Though he would hate to have it said , he is an intellectual himself who has paid transport the compliment of studying it properly and knowing most things about it .
29 He 's the devil 'imself . ’
30 The question that 's behind that , however , of course , is what is the language itself , what are the words ; are they English words , or are they some other kind of words ?
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