Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] not a " in BNC.

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1 This serves as an introduction to Part II , and more particularly as a prelude to Chapter 6 , because it deals with the subject of fiction itself : something which is strictly not a matter of style , but which is presupposed by the study of style in fiction writing .
2 Observe now what happens when we attempt to set up an equation like 6 using a portion of a sentence which is clearly not a semantic constituent .
3 However , the practices and procedures which the team has adopted seem to have been shaped more directly by a -latent agenda of issues : a preference amongst the team 's management for a " hands on service ; the maintenance , until recently , of a strong health authority orientation to the team ( a hospital base , the dominance of the psychiatrist 's authority , the hospital itself as a central feature of the Borough 's service pattern ) ; a separatism which has been maintained between the social workers and the CMHNs over the team 's access to health and social service resources , so that social workers may refer clients for social service resources , and nurses for health authority resources , but not vice versa ; These features have tended to rule out for the team any sustained attention to the developmental role — a role which is certainly a part of its official brief , but which is clearly not a priority in terms of its current practice .
4 ( The deputy leader , Seamus Mallon described the Labour Party as ‘ Cromwellian ’ which is certainly not a term of endearment . )
5 They come into the theatre , it 's like our home , and they sit there saying , ‘ Oh , she 's absolutely not a Tatyana ’ , or ‘ Can you imagine what kind of leadership is in our theatre — who is the idiot who gave this lady the role of Aida ? ’ .
6 ‘ And she 's certainly not a tiny tot . ’
7 She 's certainly not a faddy eater !
8 Although she may have many other fine qualities , she is clearly not an international fashion model .
9 But linguistics itself is arguably not a normal science , in the sense that there is a single agreed paradigm for research or application .
10 There 's simply not a lot of money about .
11 well there 's only not a great deal , I mean there 's a load in there already done , I think , is it done ?
12 But there 's certainly not a haven for bullies or no nor is it endemic in any way at all .
13 Not everything in it is stupid , but there 's no point to the exhibition and there 's certainly not a new spirit being displayed there .
14 So coming back more specifically to Selby , and taking er Mr Curtis 's ball-park figure of of seventeen hundred , erm now already we 've we 've got approximately eight hundred and fifty committed in terms of a hundred and eighty con er completions , five hundred and sixty permissions including conversions , and a hundred and ten dwellings identified on a site at Elvington in in the Greater York study , and there 's really not a great deal more flexibility , erm , because of the greenbelt constraint .
15 There is now not a thatched roof in the city .
16 The typesetter vendors have endorsed it wholeheartedly , there is now not a single major typesetter vendor not supporting PostScript or one of its emulations , and many of the traditional vendors are actively incorporating elements of the technology in their Fourth Wave offerings .
17 This is because while they may recognise the contribution everyone has to make in improving the nation 's health — there is still not a mechanism for involving the different groups , agencies and local communities .
18 However , we welcome the back-up given by the Government ; there is still not a part of mainland Britain today which is uninsurable . ’
19 There is certainly not a mark on his perfectly-formed body .
20 There is therefore not a large discrepancy between studies of children 's linguistic abilities in this area , and studies of their cognitive abilities which show that three-year-olds are able to distinguish between causes and effects .
21 There is truly not a single county which can safely be eliminated from a chance of winning one of the main trophies , although Gloucestershire , cruelly deprived of the English half of their anticipated new-ball pair , David Lawrence and Courtney Walsh , and Leicestershire , would need the biggest swings of the lot to upset the opinion polls .
22 It 's probably not a good idea to lower the flaps but , in any case , make up stout control locks for all surfaces .
23 He says I suspect it 's a good idea in a romantic idealist world — it 's probably not a realist option — I mean people do move about in cars nowadays .
24 It 's probably not a good idea to try and call park things late at night , because the movements of people are rather different after 5 o'clock , their handsets usually are n't manned .
25 You know , this is not capable of many different interpretations , it 's clearly not a promotion , you know it 's clearly not a reward for good behaviour , you know it 's , it 's a , it 's a sanction .
26 You know , this is not capable of many different interpretations , it 's clearly not a promotion , you know it 's clearly not a reward for good behaviour , you know it 's , it 's a , it 's a sanction .
27 I do n't think you 'll and I suppose I make no apologies for including it , because I think we are all very well aware of the terrible tragedy that is happening in in Yugoslavia It 's not not an Anthem that I would have recognised , erm , I was fortunate to go to Yugoslavia on , I think , two occasions , in happier times , and it saddens me tremendously , to see , on the television , to hear on the radio , to read in the newspapers , just what has happened to what was emerging as , not only a very beautiful , but a very successful country .
28 Once you begin your revision , it 's generally not a good idea to undertake new reading .
29 It would suggest it 's just not a transitory stage .
30 And it 's also not an unachievable figure , plus one a month net .
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