Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [adv] [adv] know " in BNC.

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1 The basis of genetic engineering is recombinant DNA technology which is also variously known as gene cloning and in vitro genetic manipulation .
2 Reverie , Myth and Sensuality : Sculpture in Britain 1880–1910 , running concurrently with Traces of the Figure , brings together 30 works which represent the movement in sculpture which is also now known as the ‘ New Sculpture ’ , a categorisation which follows Edmund Gosse 's articles that appeared in the Art Journal during 1894 .
3 When I refer to the ‘ Popular Purgatory ’ I am referring to the Purgatory which is most widely known — the place referred to in Roman Catholic teaching and which is said to be arrived at after death .
4 They then loaded the haul of jeans , tops and jackets the value of which is not yet known into another stolen Isuzu jeep .
5 I still have a foothold in Baldersdale , which is not widely known .
6 Interestingly he identifies examples of the use of case management in care of emotionally disturbed children , an area of work which is not widely known in the United Kingdom although practitioners might wish to argue that it is implicit in much of practice expectations .
7 You should supply a LIFESPAN username which is not currently known to LIFESPAN .
8 The National Anthem , and the Germans also have various other ones , erm , there is one which is very well known , called the Watch on the Rhine , bearing in mind that the Rhine for much of its length is the border between Germany and the rest of the world .
9 Suffolk , having no Hardy , has an accent which is less well known , but no less unintelligible , than that of Wessex .
10 Her modesty in the face of such popularity is endearing , especially as it is for her self-confidence in front of canvas and tv camera for which she is probably best known !
11 ( In Bengal , for instance , she is most popularly known as Manasa . )
12 She is also well known locally for the soft toys she makes for various charities .
13 The salesperson should open with a smile , a handshake and , in situations where he or she is not well known to the buyer , introduce himself and the company he represents .
14 She is perhaps best known for her book South Riding which was based locally .
15 She is perhaps better known to the local community for her involvement with two Gaelic choirs .
16 Even on the ramp 's first weekend it had a visitor from the States , a Mr Keith Stevenson who is probably better known as Bill Runaway from Thrasher magazine .
17 ‘ When you go into a competition that you know you can win , and you know that people expect you to win , then there is a lot more pressure on you than on someone who is less well known .
18 The Shepherd Gallery has discovered a terracotta self-portrait bust by the great turn-of-the century actress Sarah Bernhardt , who is less well known as a talented sculptress .
19 There are a number of foreign painters resident in the island , although none is internationally well known .
20 There 's so little known about him .
21 There is very little known abut the carvers of medieval bench ends but it is thought that most of them were ordinary local craftsmen , and so there would have been no reason to record this fact .
22 Despite the acknowledged importance of skill acquisition there is relatively little known about who receives vocational training .
23 It 's not yet known how seriously global warming will affect the world 's weather patterns .
24 Chairman , er if I might I was going to refer again to the care carefully worded recommendation which does n't actually mention the level of erm it simply mentions erm er a modest extent of under provision because clearly it says elsewhere in the report at two ten that it 's not yet known whether there will be opportunities elsewhere , so that 's a particular shortfall in provision to be made up .
25 It 's not yet known how long the men from Lyneham will stay in Africa .
26 It 's not yet known who will take up his position in Gloucestershire .
27 The base goes back to the RAFin SEptember 94. it 's not yet known what will be done with the land but many local people hope it 'll be used the upper H
28 It 's not yet known just how many of the bead necklaces has been sold .
29 It 's not yet known whether they 'll make a claim for compensation .
30 It 's not yet known exactly what the chemicals are , but no-one is taking any chances .
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