Example sentences of "[pron] [is] [conj] you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Now , er , now back to the main theme , which is that you 've become more business-like , in every sense of the word .
2 Yes , this is , this is , this er Who 's picking up Laura 's point which is that you get all the contractual arrangements er er done , but I mean it does n't mean you ca n't have the ritual , be it dressed with , you know , er a long
3 And well Miss Clark might remember I mean she is as you say probably one of the oldest people and perhaps Miss could rattle her brains a little .
4 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
5 The unspoken message of the video they lend you is that you start the week head-planting in the snow and finish it bouncing imperturbably down virgin slopes .
6 And er with that in mind , it 's possible that people do want to top up their income , because the one thing I will stress to you is that you do n't want to have to start having to back-pedal er when you retire .
7 The first impression the interviewer will have of you is as you come through the door .
8 So what I 'm saying to you is if you like to refer to this , this will give you the clear definition of what , what 's covered in each case .
9 One is that you tell no one over there that you have met me .
10 One is that you want to make sure that erm you do everything right .
11 One is that you have a company car that you are about to lose .
12 No , the bit that 's in the thing , there 's plus and minus stamped but on the back there 's but you assume , you assume that there 's
13 Erm but er I think when you say about being confrontational there 's if you 've got a client in front of you the last thing that you want to do is have erm a confrontation with them
14 I personally do n't deal with recruits but there 's as you know there 's a depot which er
15 Again the problem there is that you get the hot coals , if it 's a solid fuel fire , er dropping off onto the hearth setting fire to the hearth rug .
16 What I would be looking for there is that you 've got a council , I do n't know how many people there are , and you 've got a thousand plus tonnes of waste you know you 've got a waste mountain being produced .
17 there 's a lot of backtracking it 's not a question of learn every integral there is and you have them all neatly laid out in your head in a
18 Erm is before you to confirm on er Council and I 'd like to start by saying very briefly that there is as you know a government legal distinction between the er the operational side of waste disposal and the regulation side , and properly er issues on recycling have been referred er and decisions on that should be referred to the policy committee but er we work very closely with officer 's before you hear us er request it .
19 Well it 's since you know we had that party last weekend .
20 It 's that you 've got to put on , so
21 So a lot of , a lot of the problems with some of the areas of the work is because you do it so infrequent it 's not that you ca n't do it , it 's that you feel
22 It 's once you 've allocated it it 's erm you know it 's actually gone from your from your calculation .
23 It 's once you try and when you think , Well they must be real and I 'm missing the point .
24 But it 's once you get more than twenty copies
25 It 's once you start giving them out , that 's what causes the problem .
26 But it 's whether you 've got the right way is n't it ?
27 ‘ It 's not the money — it 's whether you want to do it .
28 It 's whether you feel
29 Because it 's like you say in the hallway .
30 It 's like you say your mum 'll be able to get wo n't she ?
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