Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] i to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Can you direct me to the private wing ? ’
2 Leafing through them , I could n't see any obvious lies ; he had n't taught me to say anything obscene instead of ‘ Excuse me ’ or ‘ Can you direct me to the railway station , please ? ’ , though I 'd have thought the temptation would have been all but irresistible .
3 Er could you refer me to a place where I have erm er
4 Can you refer me to the part of the key diagram which shows the scheme for York to which you referred a moment ago ?
5 Will you bring me to the hotel now , or are you frightened ? ’
6 When the revolution comes , will you string me to a lamp post with the rest ? ’
7 ‘ Please , can you take me to the village ?
8 ‘ That 's why I 'm not letting you take me to the airport . ’
9 Can you take me to the airport ?
10 I 'm talking about saving human life governments over the last twenty years , troops over the last twenty years , policemen over the last twenty years , laws over the last twenty years , and politicians , including myself , have all failed in all the efforts that we 've made including condemnation of violence , everything , but I am now saying that this dialogue is the best hope I 've seen or , surely I 'm entitled to say to the Prime Minister , alright given that I have said that why do n't you put me to the test ?
11 Would you drive me to the British Embassy ? ’
12 ‘ So will you drive me to the station , past the flower shop ? ’
13 You will ask yourself , ‘ If I listen to my best friend within and follow the precepts , will he lead me to the same holiness as those whose life was dedicated to the light ? ’
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