Example sentences of "[pron] [vb infin] [conj] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 How the hell do you think that made me feel ? ’
2 How do you think that made me feel ? ’
3 ‘ Well , do you think that did it ? ’
4 One of my favourite presidents , Theodore Roosevelt , president from the early part of the twentieth century and known as the damned cowboy erm you might be interested to know how people become president erm Theodore Roosevelt was an arch imperialist and got very excited about the er war with Spain er America had a s little brief war with Spain at the end of the nineteenth century erm over the possession of Cuba , and erm in eighteen ninety eight , and this aroused great patriotic feelings in all red blooded Americans and especially in Theodore Roosevelt and er er Roosevelt formed his own company of cavalry called the Rough Riders and erm Roosevelt wore glasses and was asthmatic but he had this group called the Rough Riders , sort of early kind of Clint Eastwood stuff , and erm anyway he g he was engaged in the war with Spain er and there was one wonderful moment in the war Spain in which the Spaniards were at the top of a hill called the San Juan hill er and er Teddy , as he was known , of course he gave his name to the teddy bear , did you know that did you ?
5 You see , you know I was talking to you earlier about , about punchlines basically , but I ca n't remember the words I was using for it , times like by the way , right right , or did you know or did I mention to you do you follow me , a lot of key lines that you can think on that you use
6 Did she consent or did she not ?
7 Yes , did you find that hindered you at all ?
8 In his hands she saw something glint and realised it was a knife .
9 Eventually she let him win and asked who told him .
10 Uproar then , and shouts of : ‘ The nigger 's got th'measure , short-arse … fist like a cannon ball … who 'll have twopence on him to win … ’ as the crowd heaved Garty to his feet , helped him round and sent him flying back towards Midnight .
11 Did they di do you think they I was going to say enjoy there but I do I do n't think that 'd be the right word , but d did they like or did they prefer to work piece work or was it something that they loathed or I mean there was more money to be made at it was n't there ?
12 She was right in that he should have either let her die or executed her .
13 Did they vanish or did we just forget them ?
14 Did they vanish or did we just forget them ?
15 He remained like that for a few seconds longer , while they tied his wrists to a pair of iron rings bolted into the wall , and then they let him go and left him dangling there — half in , half out of the river .
16 He let her go and beckoned her to follow him .
17 ‘ I 've seen him play and liked what I saw .
18 I went and sat by her bed and held her hand and let her cry and forgave her and defended her with Daddy and Minny .
19 ‘ No ! ’ he said , so relieved when it was out that the recoil made him faint and set him shaking .
20 Or did he think Or did he think it was pneumonia ?
21 Lord Hartwell inherited The Daily Telegraph , saw it flourish and launched its Sunday partner .
22 Will he understand that had he wished , as his statement claimed , to remain within the law , his proper course would have been to accept the court 's ruling and then appeal , not to flout the court 's judgment ?
23 The play doh , the plasticine , what happened to the plasticine , did it float or did it sink ?
24 We left as darkness was descending on that foreboding place and nothing could have made us stay or convinced us that there was not something awful waiting in the station .
25 The ‘ sheriff ’ came out and said that Customs wanted us to fly to Darwin for clearance , but we begged for mercy and he let us stay and gave us a ride to a lodge in the police wagon .
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