Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] a [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 A JEALOUS husband stabbed his wife and her toyboy lover to death after spying on them through a chink in the curtains .
2 ‘ Do you think your mother would let you go out with me for a day in Newcastle ? ’
3 I remember him taking me for a drive in his car when he told me the joyful news about his forthcoming marriage to Rosemary and feeling so happy that he was going to be happy .
4 Eventually I protested so Father Prior took me for a walk in the meadows and said I was to prove my worth with one final task . ’
5 She had told him lies about where Bella 's money was hidden , pretended to be fascinated when he had lied to her about spending the day with his father : ‘ We played golf together , then he took me for a ride in the new car .
6 She stares at me for a moment in her shocked haze of light .
7 I was reminded of a similar mechanism at Evan Roberts department store which fascinated me as a boy in Cardiff during the early Fifties .
8 ‘ He said that he could n't pay me because he had to maintain his cash flow for the London opening , but what he would do was to let me regard what he owed me as a stake in the show . ’
9 There was nothing about a delivery in his early morning instructions .
10 A final upthrust of the North York Moors , they were virtually unspoilt when I roamed them as a boy in the 1950s .
11 In this extract the senior devil instructs his nephew to use them as a tactic in subverting the progress of the new believer :
12 Instead , the theory has to relate types of state to distinct socio-economic structures , without placing them as a whole in any historical sequence , and to explain changes in the state by characteristics of the structure of each particular form of society which engender a structural transformation .
13 I should have sent the drinks back , but instead looked upon them as a windfall in our rather straitened circumstances .
14 In 1853 his whole collected works were published for the first time with an introduction in which the editor , George Offor , hailed them as a weapon in the struggle against ‘ the mighty efforts ’ which were then being made ‘ to enthral the country in the Satanic yoke of popery or its dark ill-shapen brother Puseyism ’ .
15 David and Ruth Archer are shown below , and you can meet members of the cast at many of this summer 's agricultural shows , or join them for a weekend in Bromsgrove .
16 All the perennials are bought in containers and I grow them for a year in their pots to see how they cope with the conditions , then I plant them out in the garden . "
17 We 'd keep them for a fortnight in those pigeon holes because most people claim stuff if they realize where they 'd left it within a day or two and then as the weeks went round we used to take stuff out of there and just lump it altogether , having duly labelled it up and erm record it and used to have tuppence an item if anybody lost anything .
18 Her father had left them for a woman in France .
19 ‘ I took them for a ride in a van and a walk through Epping Forest . ’
20 Members of the nursing profession , who once assumed that training for registration would equip them for a career in nursing now realise that this is no longer the case .
21 More recently ( and more light-heartedly ) it was pointed out to me after a lecture in England , that my ideas on the stratigraphical column were essentially Marxist in ideology .
22 You know I saw nothing of the sort when I for a fortnight in a .
23 pointed up the risk that the panel may have to respond to shareholders demands to make the company spend money on more external work : ‘ While most shareholders will act responsibly , anybody who has attended an AGM knows there will always be someone with a bee in his or her bonnet . ’
24 The post would be appropriate for someone with a background in the private or public sectors .
25 Gail , who is also looking forward to the birth of her first baby in November , said : ‘ We have just come back from two wet weeks in Bournemouth and said we could do with spoiling ourselves with a stay in a luxury hotel then I was told I had won — it 's amazing. , ’
26 She was already beside the door , and pivoted like someone in a dream in response to his call .
27 One early significant occasion for me was actually meeting someone in a bookshop in the Finchley Road when I was about sixteen .
28 In my experience , clients will not give up their contacts amongst the trade media and they feel at their most confident when talking to someone from a publication in their own trade or profession .
29 Someone from a hostel in London came to see me and said they would have me , so when I went to court in Sheffield the judge decided to put me on bail for four weeks , on condition that I stayed at the hostel and that I did n't drink , and also if I attended the Jules Thorn psychiatric unit , which is part of St Pancras Hospital , for a ten-day assessment .
30 They would look for food by sending someone to a relative in a nearby village with a farm , usually entailing a trek of several days through deep snow .
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