Example sentences of "[pron] [art] [noun] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In a parliamentary answer to me the Minister told me that he ’ had identified 18 serious irregularities and a number of additional cases involving minor breaches of the scheme rules .
2 The doctor who gave me the medication asked me , ‘ Why did you do it ? ’ and I could n't answer because I did n't know .
3 Without implying that Lanfranc was an enemy of the monks of the cathedral church , the whole drift of the pope 's account of the incident suggests that the request for a confirmation of the monastic status of the cathedral had come from someone other than Lanfranc : from whom the request came he left entirely unclear .
4 But he had paid part of that apothecary 's bill that very morning , and the attorney to whom the bailiff took him agreed there had been a mistake .
5 Like Hannay , Chesterton would adapt quickly to the strangeness of his new environment , evolving into a pillar of strength on whom the audience knew they could depend in times of crisis .
6 Unlike his fellow sovereigns , Napoleon III reigned by the Grace of God and the will of the people , to whom the Constitution made him directly responsible — a point which he himself stressed continually .
7 Thinking on his feet , Prost whipped out a fistful of cash , sparing both of them the embarrassment had he paid by credit card .
8 ‘ Yes … ! ’ he said deeply , and then his mouth closed over hers , burningly sensual as his hands moved slowly up to tunnel into her thick black hair , and as her mouth opened beneath his the hunger swept them both again , their breathing quickening as the kiss took fire and his mouth was fierce , hot , demanding , his hands moving over her body as she heard his heart thudding violently at his chest , and she knew she was in danger of losing her mind with the sweet , hot rush of excitement .
9 I threw the dice and almost my every throw beat his until Wolsey , standing behind the king 's chair , gave a sign for the trumpeters to blow and the game ended .
10 As I had been enjoying Marlborough , which in atmosphere , personnel , and not least location , was in total contrast to the Sloane School , Chelsea , I no doubt gave him a slightly rose-tinted account of the life there .
11 The court therefore has to approach its construction on the footing that the new Act may exhibit policies and intentions which are not necessarily the same as those in the earlier Act , and which require similar words to be given different meanings from those which the courts gave them under the earlier legislation .
12 Sir Claus was once asked to advise Prince Charles for a major speech in which the Prince warned we were in danger of producing a ‘ culturally illiterate ’ generation .
13 In Syria , which then included present-day Lebanon , the people were tribes without a country , in many cases the inheritors of great religious schisms , often dissidents who had themselves been drawn to the mountains of Lebanon by the physical protection which the terrain afforded them .
14 These are Peter 's vision of all the beasts of the field which the Lord told him to eat , even if they were unclean , and Paul 's vision of a Macedonian .
15 Encourage each trainee to cite an instance of maladaptive behaviour they have met and ask the whole group to discuss the way in which the child acquired it .
16 In principal as the numerous authorities up to my Lordship to yesterday demonstrate and the reference are er an action which and there are four ways in which the cases described it , an action which er is the object of an agreement or er the means of an agreement or
17 Notice the bust of Dobrovský standing in front of the charming garden house which the Nostics gave him in the last years of his life .
18 Can I thank you for those generous comments that you say towards er , , I think they 're totally true , he 's worked extremely hard in making sure this council has a budget which balanced , and it 's due to his expertise and bullying tactics that we 've succeeded , and he should be fully congratulated for that , and I think it 's the determination of those who were elected in May as well , to make sure that we protected services and jobs , and , and make sure that we actually carried out the mandate which the electors elected us to do that we have such ach achieved what we have achieved today .
19 A key change was to ‘ remove that part which the Bar told me implied undue interference by the Lord Chancellor , as a minister of the Crown , with the processes of justice .
20 A few minutes later we drew up at a big concrete building which the officer told me was the town jail but which seemed to be a large Luftwaffe barracks .
21 Thirdly , the defendant complains , the judge failed to deal with the problem which the jury indicated they had on returning to court after an hour 's deliberation .
22 We have made it clear that we regard this scheme as flawed since it fails to provide to those who are legally aided that to which the Act entitled them , namely that solicitors they select will be properly remunerated .
23 Given the favourable non-wage labour cost which the minister told us about a moment ago , how does he justify the enormous discrepancy in wages between England and Wales as an average and areas like South Wales and Northumberland where average weekly earnings are up to sixty five pounds less than the average and will he explain to us why the government is not tackling huge wage differentials in this country ?
24 Although we shall support the Bill because we believe that any measure that alleviates the terrible problem of repossessions is to be welcomed , the way in which the Minister presented it suggests that there is no problem .
25 I suspect that new clause 33 is the forerunner of numerous similar Government-inspired changes to a Bill which the Government assured us , when they dragooned it though its Committee stage , was in pristine and perfect condition and would need no amendment .
26 The government is now washing its hands of the industry as it hands it over to a rigged market which will leave very few pits in Britain and the destruction of an asset which the British people asked the government to save and which the government said they were going to save .
27 British Aerospace WO N'T have to repay almost forty-five million pounds which the Government paid it as an inducement to buy the Rover car company .
28 FOE 's case hinges on the " undertakings " made by water suppliers as part of the privatization process , under which the government allowed them a period of grace in which to bring water quality up to legal minimum standards .
29 ‘ If they do n't meet the standards which the Government set they should n't have a licence , ’ he said .
30 When Lahr wrote the story , Ken insisted on a line in which the man asked him to ‘ give me a fuck ’ being removed .
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