Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] some [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You take me for some kind of fool , do you ?
2 He had taken me for some kind of refugee from the Napoleonic Wars !
3 You take me for some kind of arsehole !
4 Almost every part of my infuriating body seemed to be nagging at me for some sort of attention .
5 Surely someone would look at me back — recognize me as some kind of fellow human being ?
6 Did Quigley see me as some kind of John the Baptist figure ?
7 It is grotesque to portray me as some sort of blue-eyed optimist .
8 You flatter me by insisting on seeing me as some sort of Casanova figure .
9 ‘ You 're using me as some sort of buffer between yourself and your feelings for Claire .
10 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
11 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
12 erm I would suggest that anybody who 's really erm concerned in the way you were can either approach their local Education Authority and ask them for some kind of information on this .
13 The Yanks had in fact had them for some months in the Scullery apartment .
14 It was impossible for the garrison to fire upon them for some time without risk of injuring their neighbours along with their enemies .
15 Today , someone told me about some fires in the new forest here in Africa ; but Gog does n't want to hear about those fires . ’
16 However a set of terms arrives in a particular document , it is likely that at some stage it was prepared by someone with some degree of legal knowledge .
17 A group should be organised to take charge of these presentations , representing a range of skills , and preferably including someone with some knowledge of communication theory .
18 We indulged ourselves with some jars of Marmite and bitter marmalade ( which proved not to go well with rice ) and an emergency medicinal bottle of Grand Marnier .
19 Poor people do n't want a millionaire among them reminding them of some way in which they failed to make it .
20 Perhaps in those preceding silences he took himself through some sort of editing process , preparatory to making an entrance in which not a word would be wasted .
21 This desire has shewn itself in some minds in the advocacy of the introduction of some new style especially marking our own age , in others in the wish to see the Architecture which so especially belongs to our own and immediately neighbouring Countries , — and which for some classes of buildings has already been so completely revived , — adapted to the especial requirements of our own times and all the inventions habits and comforts incident to them .
22 The unguarded nature of the latter , which was never worked over by Thomas , provides occasional glimpses of the youth who left St. Paul 's after his seventeenth birthday in order to achieve a twofold purpose : ostensibly to please his father by attending a few practical evening classes and in the day by preparing himself for some form of Civil Service clerical post , while privately , he sought the freedom of a young nature-writer who was determined to collect his papers into a book .
23 Feeling himself very much at a crossroads , he delivered himself of some reflections on the modern times they were living through .
24 He also availed himself of some relationship to Monck , but he presumed too much on his use of the name of Henry Bennet , Earl of Arlington [ q.v. ] , to cover his own corrupt financial transactions and was committed to the Fleet prison , from which he was released after pleading ‘ nine small lamenting children ’ .
25 Like Eliot , Dawson emphasized the ‘ two Englands ’ created in the nineteenth century — ‘ the England of the fields and the England of the factories ’ — and wished to build on a common ‘ English tradition ’ which with some sort of religious sanction would take people Beyond Politics .
26 I just wish he had n't felt a pressing need to turn himself into some sort of Hollywood-director clone for this production .
27 Miller jerked himself into some sort of alert state as they approached , smiling glassily .
28 ' I understand that Daniele Miletti got himself into some trouble with your section some time ago . ’
29 Extricating himself with some difficulty from the tangled bedclothes , Leo continued , ‘ I 'll have to go . ’
30 Tax rates vary from one country to another : a prime example being VAT , which in some parts of Europe at the time of writing is over 20 per cent on certain items .
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