Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] which he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He did not meet his mother from infancy until the age of twelve , when they found themselves accidentally in the same workhouse : but instead of the ‘ gush of tenderness ’ between them of which he had dreamt , ‘ her expression was so chilling that the valves of my heart closed as with a snap …
2 For ‘ a child ( needs ) to grasp from the inside what following rules means and take rules into himself between which he has to choose ’ .
3 If only there were some way in which she could let him know that his feelings for her were not something for which he needed to apologise without landing them both in a situation from which they could not retreat .
4 The chief preoccupation of Methuen 's later years , apart from his painting , and one for which he denied himself many luxuries , was the restoration , maintenance , and improvement of Corsham Court , the family seat , and of the collection of pictures which hung in the magnificent gallery built and furnished for them in the 1760s .
5 I hope Chairman that er David will listen to the arguments on this because like other members of his group he throws out closure of elderly persons homes , y'know we 've got ta do it , we 've got ta do it something about which he knows absolutely nothing and about which he 's completely wrong .
6 The last was probably his strongest card , and no one who heard this broadcast on May 28th could doubt that it was the one about which he cared the most .
7 The president of the Wolverhampton chamber of commerce delivered precisely the same speech as the one of which he sent me a copy beforehand and I have it here .
8 In the first place it was clear that it had been a mistake to let Alexei know that his transfer away from the Praetorian Guard had been requested — because if the boy was looking for an excuse for his antagonism , then the one with which he had just been presented was perfect .
9 The Court concluded , rightly it is submitted , that the mere fact that the defendant happens to have committed another offence in addition to the one with which he has been charged should not preclude a conviction .
10 He would sit for hours with his blindfold down , taking no part in the general conversations , or at best looking at Brian and me , shaking his head when his compatriots said something with which he disagreed .
11 ‘ The point of law referred for consideration by the court is : in order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 does the computer which the person causes to perform any function with the required intent have to be a different computer to the one into which he intends to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held there ?
12 ‘ In order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 does the computer which the person causes to perform any function with the required intent have to be a different computer from the one into which he intends to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held therein ?
13 The Attorney-General referred to the Court of Appeal under section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972 the question whether , in order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Act of 1990 the computer which the person caused to perform any function with the required intent had to be a different computer from the one into which he intended to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held therein .
14 In sign , it can be seen in the learner 's apparent acknowledgement of comprehension of a statement by the deaf person which the hearing learner in fact has not understood , or it involves an immediate switch of topic by the hearing learner to something in which he feels more competent , without answering the deaf person 's query .
15 I had to accept the fact that he was an individualist , and that for him the only tolerable war was one in which he felt he was making some personal contribution — personal , but never ‘ glory-seeking ’ , as he had made clear in 1940 , not least by being prepared to postpone obtaining his commission .
16 On a seat beneath General Wolfe 's statue , which looks down on the river and is still scarred by the bombs of a war later than the one in which he died , Coffin rested for a while .
17 A wave of misery swept over Cassie as she wondered if the last of her little dreams was to be shattered as cruelly as these other two ; the dream in which Johnny hated and despised his wife ; the one in which he planned to divorce her and marry Cassie instead .
18 When she flew into tempers , Nicholas would hand her letters , in one in which he quoted St Paul as saying ‘ Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord , for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is head of the Church . ' ’
19 For seventeen years Father Conlin had been closely involved in the educational provision of the Diocese , a far from easy task but one in which he achieved much and at the same time earned the respect and affection of Clergy , Governors and Teachers .
20 Portway claims that the slowest train in the world was one in which he travelled in Turkey .
21 Not the one in which he aimed highest , but the one in which his inspiration is most fully sustained ; the one with the strongest dramatic thrust ; the only one in which you truly care about the fate of the characters .
22 Cases cover the whole spectrum from those in which the jurist treats a legacy as a trust to those where he treats a trust as a legacy , plus one in which he seems to treat the trust as both .
23 Paul , of course , offers Simon Peter an irresistible opportunity , a means of rescuing his commitment , of vindicating everything to which he has devoted himself .
24 This will rarely benefit an original recipient of the incorrect certificate because receipt of his certificate normally marks the conclusion of the transaction and is not something on which he relied in deciding to enter into it and because he should be aware of the true facts .
25 In the first , he had been robbed of something on which he had set his heart ; in the second he was robbed of his life .
26 The attendant fuss which comes with his being the most likely American to succeed this week is not something to which he takes readily .
27 It was , she thought , an almost indecently incongruous remark with which to begin a visit of condolence ; or was this his way of confronting her grief and stoicism by taking refuge on professional ground , the only one on which he felt confident and could speak with authority ?
28 He sits , unhappy and proud , on the ladder of social promotion having lost the hold on one type of life , but failing to reach the one to which he aspires .
29 Amongst the works on view was the one to which he has returned most often — the portrait of Queen Mariana of Austria , second wife of Philip IV , painted in 1652 ( Fig. 4 ) .
30 They had finished their meal , one at which he noticed she had hardly eaten anything .
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