Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [noun] [pron] say " in BNC.

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1 I to Joe I said
2 They said about someone at work they said , he 's we think he 's gay
3 and she goes I 've had enough questions for one day , I said it plenty of times she said oh shut up you wee wally
4 But I know one in question who said , to hell , or words to the effect ’ — he grinned — ‘ that he could n't gag her if he tried .
5 She said oh well she said I 'll get Sally to get me something before Christmas she said .
6 There 's one at Greenville he said oh twenty five pound plus VAT .
7 There was one which came to me from America which said , ‘ Alan Bates plays his part in a style which makes Bela Lugosi seem a master of nuance . ’
8 Extract 2 oh listen I wanted to tell you one of the girls in my supply class we 'll hoover when we come back wo n't we she said to me she looked at my shoes and she said you 've got flashy shoes or something I said I got them in Spain she said Miss are you Spanish I thought it was really funny
9 Oh well , he said to me on Saturday he said do it Thursday after
10 She runs a sort of company for readings and uncostumed actings of unusual plays , and when I told her about Unisoculous she said she would put it on .
11 When I helped him into bed he said , with some echo of his old authority , that nothing was to change while he was here ; that I was to go on with my work ; that he would teach me to play chess at last ; that he was absolutely thrilled to be out of hospital , and it would be a positive delight to look after himself .
12 When the American chargé at Saigon ( Edmund Gullion ) called on him in June he said he had returned to Vietnam because of French assurances that seemed to promise independence .
13 said Richard he said , I do n't know how you do it in London he said , if they ever asked me to come down here he said I would die .
14 He he says I give it to Maggie , I says you did n't give it to Maggie I says you give it to Linda 's lad .
15 As I say , nowadays I get the information from you over the phone , and then when we 've got somebody who said Oh no , it 's only a small flat , I 've got this this and this and that 's the big pieces of furniture , er if it 's somebody that 's done it on spec I say Well look give me a ring back in an hour if er when you 've come off the phone you er there 's something you 've forgotten .
16 I 'd rather have it on bread I said .
17 When Smith was recommending it on television he said , ‘ I wish we could get beyond colour as the criterion and choose to be governed by the best men for the job . ’
18 it 's like the , cos I keep saying if you must do those F's you do it at school I said , but do not do them for me , I said if you do I do not want to see them , but again you 've got a conflict there between home and school
19 and erm , she said oh well you know , were gon na try , and then , and then , I said well what about Elly she said , well she , she , I said swop with Elly , but she 's only got like a two bedroom
20 By ignoring concealed households , it is in fact not seeking to house its people , and is in fact not doing what in fact it says it should be doing within the explanatory memorandum .
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