Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [verb] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now he keeps blamin' me for keepin' her clean .
2 ‘ It seems somewhat harsh to criminalise me for doing my best in what were quite exceptional circumstances . ’
3 But her own perspective was different : Durance had told Joseph that Leary was living nearby but Joseph had done nothing about contacting his old friend until he needed an alibi for the night of the murder .
4 Use them for writing your own personal seasonal message on either biscuits or cakes .
5 There are those critics of the polytechnics who regard this as a most unfortunate development and would go so far as to castigate them for betraying their primary purpose , which they see as providing for the communities in which they are located , something which of necessity can only be done primarily through part-time provision .
6 ‘ Of course you can drive down and drive back and be back soon , ’ she fumed later when Marc had released them after prolonging his cat-and-mouse game with his brother for as long as possible , ‘ but what 's the point when there is no paper ? ’
7 To a great extent eyes are able to take over the function of keeping us upright because we are able to orientate ourselves by seeing our own position in relation to the world around .
8 Their common lot was fierce parental discipline , even a man of a warm and kindly nature such as Samuel Pepys thought nothing of beating his 15-year-old maid with a broomstick , and locking her up for the night in his cellar , or whipping his boy-servant , or even boxing his clerk 's ears .
9 Great Casterton taught me much but it also encouraged me towards directing my own training school .
10 He still showed little emotional reaction though he was evidently angry with himself for letting his natural arrogance be so easily quashed .
11 The intrepid manager had to content himself with numbering his reserve teams .
12 After this shockeroo was leaked , Hamilton saved himself by writing his own version which became a best-seller in America and in Britain .
13 We must have many other things to say — to women about their interests , needs and values , to constitutional reformers about decentralisation and pluralism , to the party itself about democratising our own affairs , to our European partners about a new European agenda — but our main task is to identify with that majority constituency .
14 Thank you for printing my latter ( Chinese Aggression NI 171 ) , but I must ask you to publish the following correction : Claire Culhane , Quang Ngai , South Vietnam , should read : Claire Culhane , Vancouver .
15 She wo n't thank you for blackening her late husband 's name . ’
16 There is , however , plenty of help in the documentation and the QuickStart chapter guides you through creating your own first presentation and if you do not want to bother with typing in all the data for yourself the file for this presentation , QSTART , is available for inspection .
17 Do not let this kindness on the part of the college discourage you from buying your own textbooks and building up a library of your own .
18 Let the latter realize that virtually nothing is going to deflect you from reaching your agreed objectives .
19 We will review your situation and explain if and how we can be helpful to you in achieving your particular goals .
20 We are always delighted to send you information about courses , prospectuses and ( later this year ) to send you a new video about the University which may help you in advising your own pupils about the possibilities and benefits of following a course at Birmingham .
21 It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader .
22 What is the continuing education budget post-entry and the employer 's commitment to assist you in furthering your own professional commitment ?
23 'You tell me this in order to comfort me and make me able to betray you without rending my own heart .
24 Whereas in the 19th century each political faction prided itself on having its own newspaper , the steady decline in titles narrowed the available range and , inevitably , displaced political considerations as proprietorial and editorial attention turned to questions of commercial survival .
25 The thorny devil ( above ) relies simply on its immensely sharp and powerful spikes for protection , while the bearded lizard ( left ) defends itself by erecting its spiny throat skin .
26 Homoeopathy is a process of natural healing in which the remedies are used to assist the body to heal itself by stimulating its natural healing powers .
27 Listen to Blur 's marvellous There 's No Other Way single and you 'll hear not only brilliant young musicians cutting free , but a producer who knows how to encourage his fellow workers and cajole them into producing their best in the studio .
28 A blank one for saving your own patterns is supplied with the Design Controller .
29 Something about moving their bottom jaw or summat in n it ?
30 Something about getting your final bonus …
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