Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [noun] that [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Recently someone came to talk to me about things that had happened to him in his childhood .
2 Mark Morris 's Canonic 3/4 Studies however , a lively ensemble work , was full of tongue-in-cheek wit with plenty of jokes that depended on clever timing or neat contrasts between popular romantic music and unexpectedly awkward steps .
3 There was something about Mortimer that made her uneasy .
4 Still , there was something about Maidstone that held Sandison 's attention even after an hour .
5 There was something about Rourke that stirred her in a way no other man had ever done … but , even so , a tiny voice of caution held her back .
6 My lovely Gerald was very , very clever he was a mechanic , he was a graduate mechanical engineer and he knew everything about cars that needed to be known .
7 Perhaps the dream tie in today 's ‘ hands on ’ publishing world is that brown one from M&S that came in a set with its own matching handkerchief .
8 Two of them made her feel , not old exactly , but as if life was passing her by They were the one from Joanne that said , " You 've reached a quarter century " and the one from Stephen , " My dearest wife " .
9 The Wheel Tapper was a cider pub , and the only one in town that tolerated the hard core of tomato-faced cider drinkers who , outside licensing hours , sat talking garrulously on public benches or passed out surrounded by flagons on the lawns of the Floral Gardens .
10 However , said Rosen , their analysts found mycotoxins in control samples that contained none , and then missed them in controls that had been doctored with mycotoxins .
11 The central problem developed when the participatory nature of ritual was destroyed and replaced with a concept of a god who had no need for the feelings of people , who was placed above them in ways that made any behaviour other than worship and penitence irrelevant .
12 Once she had seemed to know a good deal about him , but in her idle rancour of the last few weeks she had abused him for faults that seemed nothing to do with the truth of him .
13 I wanted to go ashore , ’ she told him through teeth that clattered together unpleasantly .
14 It is to Alan Rough 's eternal credit that he developed a sense of humour which carried him through experiences that ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous .
15 He stared at her through eyes that saw the shadows of many lands .
16 Were they like vapours that rustled through him , devils owning him while he was unaware , making him smile his smile ?
17 Alone with her , he floundered ; she kept pushing him under water , teased him with planks that did n't float .
18 Some of them presented her with gifts that had been made in the centre 's workshops .
19 Jake 's tone was lethal as he looked down at her with eyes that had turned to blue ice .
20 And she could not sort out her brain while he stood less than a foot away , watching her with eyes that gave away nothing of his own thoughts .
21 He was watching her with eyes that blazed , not with passion but with cold satisfaction .
22 She stiffened , letting her arms fall to her sides , and he raised his head , looking at her with eyes that glittered with anger .
23 It was fitzAlan , looking down at her with eyes that ripped her heart into pieces , speaking to her in a voice so hard that the words were like blows .
24 A woman called Charlotte Culham gave evidence that she had often seen Mrs Dyer with small children , and also seen her with packages that resembled the bodies of small children .
25 Pain and nausea swept over him in waves that left him hot and sticky and weak at the knees .
26 The man 's trembling want of her made her feel that speck grow into a force ; she began to enjoy denying him , then permitting him again , she used her strength to grip and pin him and squeeze him in parts that made him cry out , to gouge and scratch his pale , thin flesh , she fortified him with tisanes that make men what was called in her language ‘ cross ’ , and gave him leaves to chew to stay his excitement so she could explore the crustacean pinkness of his flesh and turn her curiosity and its tinge of disgust to a form of power over him which gave her pleasure .
27 He stopped abruptly , glaring down at her from eyes that looked like dark chasms .
28 Oddly reassured by that very lack of sympathy , Luce followed him on legs that felt as if they hardly belonged to her .
29 What was it about Judith that threw him into such confusion now , as then ?
30 He struck again , this time bringing the knife down into the top of the man 's head , using all his strength to force it through bone that splintered and cracked with a strident shriek .
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