Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] who [vb past] me " in BNC.

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1 This appears , for instance , where Margery first rejects Wilekin 's advances , referring to " " houre Loverd , hevene king " " and going straight on to : ( " I have my lord who is my spouse who brought me a virgin to his house … " )
2 ‘ And I would never rest easy , knowing all that good money was thrown away on show , and to get people drunk at my funeral who owed me money , when I was livin' .
3 Polycarp , the second-century Christian leader in Smyrna , faced a hostile mob and quietly refused to go back on his faith in Christ : ‘ Eighty and six years have I served him , and he hath done me no wrong ; how then can I blaspheme my King who saved me ? ’
4 It was my father who started me off , about three years after we moved into the village dad joined the Debenham Players the local amateur dramatics society .
5 ‘ It was my father who encouraged me as a high jumper .
6 I went to my doctor who gave me some pain-killers and told me to rest .
7 It was my ex who got me fixed up with the job ; Dizzy owed him , and he owed me maintenance for Jed , and I wanted to get away from town and get involved in something where I could start to 69 respect myself again … everything kind of fitted into place .
8 I would accept that since I saw a report only the other day about such a case ( the funeral director involved had a son in my class who brought me the file ) the embalmer had used 8 oz per 80 oz of a very good fluid , but had not put in any co or pre injection fluids and did not mix any other fluids , and he put in 4 × 80 oz bottles .
9 I thought it would have got better by itself — it was my son who made me call the doctor ’
10 I rang my dealer who told me there was nothing I could do about it .
11 It was my mother who taught me to cook and who taught me too about being a mother .
12 It was my mother who brought me to my senses .
13 Then , a bit later , I got your landlady who told me the bad news .
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