Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] would [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Every day my husband would leave work wondering if he 'd find Thomas alive . ’
2 At that time we had a fairly large irregular backyard where my father would chop wood each morning in anticipation of the cold winter to come .
3 Of course , I knew my success would cause resentment .
4 My grandmother would give orders to the eldest and these would be passed down — as I got older I found this particularly galling !
5 And my son would rule Ireland .
6 You know my mother would send Hussa .
7 Her sister would blame Claudia for tracking her down ; she would n't believe she 'd had little choice in the matter .
8 Statements in favour of the ‘ freedom of the press ’ and the ‘ freedom to publish ’ — from Milton 's Areopagitica of 1644 onwards — were , therefore , intended as replies to those who maintained that granting the press its freedom would pose threats to the stability of the state .
9 It was expected that her counsel would ask Sir Stephen Brown , President of the Family Division , for a ‘ residence order ’ , allowing the girl to remain with her boyfriend .
10 Mr Rabin said their exile would curb violence , but Israelis have since killed 69 Arabs and Palestinians 12 Israelis .
11 As regards the ratification process , both the Italian and Belgian parliaments had declared that their said that their vote would take account of the ( non-binding ) opinion of the European Parliament .
12 Although breechloading weapons had been generally adopted , the small-bore rifle , the machine-gun , and the quick-firing fieldgun had not yet altered military thinking ; they had only increased the range at which fighting would take place .
13 Its mandate would include technology transfers and the encouragement of investment in projects which would enhance or safeguard the environment .
14 The Conservatives say its imposition would raise business costs and thus create unemployment .
15 Their formation would take place over two years and Soviet troops already stationed in Ukraine would form their basis .
16 Only lack of challenge in her job would lure Professor Costall away from Bradford .
17 On Sept. 6 President Bush called on the US Congress , which had reconvened on Sept. 2 , to delay for 120 days its approval of fresh loan guarantees to Israel , on the grounds that their approval would harm prospects for a peace conference .
18 On the one hand she thought she would possibly enjoy a hour 's gardening when she came home from work and that it would help her unwind , but on the other hand her adult children and her husband would expect tea at 6 p.m .
19 At first it had seemed he was only there to sit out the war with his French woman , but then the summons had come from the Dutch army and Isabella had known that her husband would follow Sharpe .
20 If terms for a takeover can not be reached , another option under discussion is a licensing agreement in which Lotus would sell Approach 's software , but Approach would remain independent .
21 The city would be under the protection of the League of Nations ; its territory would include Zoppot and the surrounding farmlands .
22 But is there not a danger that , at 14 , their choice would perpetuate class divisions — ‘ I am a professional , you 're good with your hands , she should work in a shop ’ ?
23 Consequently round houses , extensive sidings , and various buildings essential to the railway 's purpose would have to spring up , and these in their turn would require labour , which would have to live in the vicinity .
24 This in its turn would change people 's pattern of purchases away from that which reflected their true preferences .
25 Reforms of the internal practices of trade unions and legal changes in their status would provide opportunities for managers to regain authority and for the emergence of more ‘ responsible ’ and less ‘ political ’ trade unions .
26 This practice was not adopted enthusiastically by the LGB , partly due to fears that its cheapness would encourage Guardians to send children to unsuitable homes — fears which were justified by some unfortunate and tragic incidents of maltreatment and exploitation of child labour .
27 As a compromise between those desiring unification in September and those wanting a later date , the Volkskammer agreed on Aug. 23 to accept Oct. 3 as the date on which unification would take effect .
28 Unilateral action is out , since its cost would reduce industry 's competitiveness in international markets .
29 At the end of the EC delegation 's visit , the Israeli Prime Minister , Itzhak Shamir , rejected the EC 's call to include the PLO in Middle East peace talks , and Israeli officials said that their country would resist EC attempts to exert economic pressure .
30 Incidentally , no manicurist worth his or her salt would cut cuticles with a pair of scissors , unless they were severely overgrown , as this can cause infection .
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