Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] which have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The duvet symbolizes the whole wretchedness of leaving , so I slump at the table , pulling a long face and blowing ripples in the surface of my coffee which has grown cold anyway .
2 He put one hand against the wall , close enough to touch a strand of her hair which had pulled free from the cap , and he imprisoned her in that dark corner .
3 The Labour party have lost their majority which has enabled them to do a lot of stupid things .
4 Normally when she had gone well , it had been her horse which had received the praise .
5 They in turn have by defeat lost their rule which has come into the hands of the British .
6 It must be its isolation which has kept them so unreasonably concealed from common knowledge .
7 Mr Browning had expressed himself surprised that she had failed to recognise and acknowledge the consideration for herself and her well-being which had influenced their decision about Ferdinando .
8 It was their panic which had resulted in the raid being bungled .
9 Mr Ayob added : ‘ Mrs Mandela appeals to the media not to concern itself with , nor speculate about , her personal relationship with her husband which has endured despite 27 years of imprisonment and many years of exile . ’
10 Breeze tenderly massaged the tip of her nose which had made contact with a button , while the man stooped to pick up his pipe .
11 During this period , and particularly very recently , Miss T. 's close relationship with her father which had existed when she was much younger was revived .
12 It is their commitment which has enabled the Trust to provide its unique contribution to the industry .
13 She should become aware of the pressures of her past which have formed her behaviour in these circumstances .
14 Many clients can become frustrated by this fact , believing that there must be some very significant detail in their past which has caused them to become anxious or stressed currently .
15 In reply to a letter from Sheldon Vanauken , who , after his wife 's death , wrote to Lewis about their love which had remained for him an end in itself , Lewis replied :
16 The School Magazine , The Stopfordian , soon celebrated its fifth birthday , thereby enduring longer than its predecessor which had lasted only from 1898 to 1902 .
17 The worry over her disappearance which had caused his relief that she was safe to express itself in what she acknowledged was quite justified anger had abated .
18 Many will have been wearing a special costume for their childhood which has given them particular concealment .
19 As he moved away , Shannon sent a silent stream of curses after the mischievous imp in her soul which had landed her in this , desperately trying to remember the instructions she 'd skimmed through in the beginners ' ‘ learn-to-ski ’ handbook Kelly had given her .
20 It 's not just their family which has worried .
21 Vitor seemed to have something beneath his skin which had connected with something beneath hers , and her breathing was quickening , her pulses raced , she no longer felt as if she was standing on solid ground .
22 He was a big man everything about him was big shoulders , chest , nose eyes and ears everything except his near-flat stomach and his hair which had faded on top and grown to wise-looking grey tufts over his ears .
23 He was pointing at his chest which had gone a bright shade of orange .
24 In any event it will probably be relevant in most cases for the Industrial Tribunal to ask itself whether there has been any substantial fault on the part of the employee or his adviser which has led to the failure to comply with the statutory time limit
25 It was the combination of this aggression with his talent which had brought him so far , and yet while Vitor possessed a professional 's dedication to winning Simon had plainly identified his team-mate as a bitter rival who must be trounced at all costs .
26 An encouraging aspect of the Rossini celebration is the wider view of his art which has opened up in the past quarter of a century .
27 It was the sound of his clipping which had woken Rufus up .
28 There was one aspect of his life which had made him so — of which I had heard talk long before on some obscure wanderers ' grapevine .
29 Ackroyd 's Wilde complains of the ‘ sordid ’ interpretations of his conduct which had influenced the outcome of his trial , while himself , on other occasions , interpreting his conduct as sordid .
30 If the beneficiary dies before the passing of the Finance Act , 1975 , but after a determination or disposal of his interest which has taken place after 25/3/74 , then that determination or disposal does not constitute a chargeable transfer .
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