Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] but [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
2 Her charms increased every day , not only in my eye but in the eyes of all who beheld her , for my mother took the greatest delight in her waiting maid .
3 Argyle road , W13 in my constituency , from many other of my constituents and others who live beyond my constituency but in the parish of Ealing Abbey .
4 More , an orthodox chromosomal gene and a virus that is transmitted inside the host 's egg would agree in wanting the host to succeed not just in its courtship but in every detailed aspect of its life , down to being a loyal , doting parent and even grandparent .
5 His parents had neglected this aspect of his upbringing , having largely abandoned their religion but for a few outer forms before he was born .
6 Their alternative name , Vlah ( Wallachian ) , suggests their origin but by the nineteenth century most had become Hellenised , speaking and acting as intermediaries between the Greek clergy and their Serbian parish priests .
7 Which , Dorothea had often thought , they probably were , and really , she had half-envied Alida , not for her independence but for the responsibility she had , and for the pride and satisfaction she was entitled to feel in her work .
8 The story of the abrupt curtailment of life in Pompeii by the eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79 and the subsequent preservation of the city , not only its architecture but of the stuff of life itself — bread , utensils , eggs and bodies of humans , dogs and birds — through the protection of its coating of lava and ash is a well known one and has been fully and vividly recounted many times from the eye-witness story of Pliny himself to the present day .
9 She accompanies Lucie and her child to Paris during the Reign of Terror , when Darnay has been imprisoned , and forcibly prevents Madame Defarge from discovering their escape but at the cost of her own hearing ( she is permanently deafened by the accidental firing off of Mme Defarge 's pistol during their struggle ) , TTC i 4 et seq .
10 It will be considered her mother 's fault not only by her husband but by the community also .
11 Aye , there was er a Billy , a Harry , and er there was another lot come , I c I just ca n't remember their name but after the First World War this Billy used to come round this part and collect cast horses .
12 St James 's Park has always had Blaydon Races as its anthem but in the Sixties and Seventies there were many others .
13 To him the divine character of Christianity was vindicated not by its reasonableness but by the very fact that it was the kind of thing no ordinary mind could have invented .
14 She was looking after her father in his old age as she had always said she would , but instead of satisfaction she felt only guilt — guilt at her own impatience when he behaved not as her father but like a disobedient child .
15 Swindon tried to play their game but in the first half did n't have much joy …
16 She had never been very obedient in other areas of her life but in the tube she was a child again , learning , wary , and without that presence which had always been there in her childhood .
17 Every living cell has a naturally occurring vibration which relates not only to its level of energy , its mass and its form but to the nature of the medium in which it vibrates — its environment .
18 She would live these seven days of re-creation as a monument not only to her vow but to the belief , shared with Daniel , that there are transcendental values in all creation .
19 In its defence the computer points out that the problem lies not in its answer but in the question it was asked in the first place .
20 It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being but on the contrary ; their social being that determines their consciousness .
21 Her father 's death was the great wound not just of her childhood but of the rest of her life .
22 The peasants ' " redemption dues " were calculated not on the basis of the land which came into their possession but on the basis of the rents and services that they owed under serfdom .
23 At first , her face burned and she was often defeated in her purpose but within a few weeks she was indistinguishable from the seasoned bargainers .
24 Now I believe that you test the liberal democracy , not by the ease with which majorities get their way but on the extent to which you accommodate the views of committed minorities and we 've lived so long with majority rule , masquerading as democracy , that we 've forgotten that that is more akin to dictatorship than anything else .
25 In the doorway , bleached by the light from her candle but with the eyes frighteningly dark and glittery , blazed the furious face of Miss Harker .
26 From the other side of Portman Square I heard a police siren , which meant that the cavalry was on its way but with the traffic plugged solid it would take them a while .
27 We also observe that a piece can return to its position but in a different orientation ; for example , RU twists the FUR piece .
28 After lunch ( not included ) visit the Medieval town of Gouda , famous for its cheese but with a lot more to discover such as St. Jans Kerk which contains over half of Holland 's antique stained-glass windows , the Gothic City Hall dating back to 1430 and a collection of fascinating museums .
29 They wished to be ‘ good socialists ’ , working hard for their country but without the burden of excessive , leftist political campaigns .
30 The demand which grew up amongst Congregationalists and , to a lesser degree , Baptists was not for a radical shift in the nature of their worship but for the external embellishment of traditional worship : flowers , organs and stained glass , but not chants , Holy Tables and liturgical seasons .
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