Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] that [pers pn] know " in BNC.

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1 There had n't been any lapses in my security that I knew of .
2 ‘ It was my understanding that you knew .
3 He must have seen from my face that I knew what he was talking about .
4 I could n't wait to run home and tell my mother that I knew how to mix colours . ’
5 It sticks in my throat that you know we 've had to pay it but , from the point of view of the residents , we 've done the right thing by letting it .
6 ‘ Do n't you see — ca n't you remember how it was ? ’ he asked , when everything was so indelibly imprinted on her mind that she knew she would never forget a moment of it .
7 Afterwards she felt that Sarah had deliberately steered the conversation away from Terry , and recalling her remark that they knew him better than she did , Anne felt uneasy without quite knowing why .
8 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
9 Natasha grinned , admitting by her expression that she knew what Charlotte would conclude from this recycling of Ursula 's lie .
10 Wilson knew she was being patronised if not mocked outright , but no trace of expression crossed her face and it gave her satisfaction that she knew it did not .
11 It had been a nine days ' wonder , during which no charges had been brought , but Travis had told her to her face that he knew she had taken it .
12 He looked at her and frowned as though he would make a denial and then he saw from her face that she knew the truth .
13 Pious it may sound , but I do actually believe that there is a sense in which a group of students do collectively know much of what they need to know about learning : the problem of the PGCE year is to give them confidence that they know ; and the experience that knowing they can successfully act on their knowledge .
14 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
15 Ronni blushed with pleasure , then reached up to kiss him as , with a glint in his eye that she knew and loved well , he added , ‘ And now shall we go upstairs ? ’
16 It is extraordinary that the Minister should take it into his head that he knows better than people in the museums world , and impose upon them a period that nobody asked for — indeed , everybody asked for the opposite .
17 But Jinny could tell from his voice that he knew the answer already , and when Doyle replied it was with a nod .
18 He said that He used to tell me about his country that you know it was taken over by the Russians and then it 'd be taken over by the Germans and You know what I mean .
19 I could tell immediately by the look on his face that he knew about Granny , for news travelled fast in our district and nothing was secret for long .
20 ‘ I told your sergeant that I know nothing of my cousin 's death .
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