Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] be for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 My passion is for its numerous Romanesque churches , in most cases humbly proportioned but elevated into unique works of art by the richness of their exquisitely-sculpted decoration ; to go to Poitou/Saintonge and not look at any of its churches would be like going to an African game reserve and ignoring the animals .
2 The other two national winners are Tracy Young , who was born with two holes in her heart and could n't walk til she was five — her prize was for her personal achievement in ballroom and latin dancing … and Ronnie Broomhall who is the first person in the country with learning difficulties to become a qualified amateur gymnastics coach .
3 When she knew the plans were afoot to move her on her concern was for her second in command , a Sinhalese whom she considered worthy of being leader .
4 His citation was for his work on carbohydrates and on the synthesis of vitamin C. This , the first synthesis of a vitamin , he achieved in 1933 , in collaboration with E. L. Hirst .
5 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
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