Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] they come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 While the uppers often irritatingly remain almost as new as they day they came out of the box , the outsole looks as though it 's been left behind on the concrete , which of course it has .
2 We never miss a face , but we know what order they come in and we try and serve them in turn .
3 There is underlying , understanding and theory to this , but of course if you want to read French literature , you 've got to learn the vocabulary ; if you want to do chemistry you 've got to know the elements and what order they come in , and there 's always a certain amount of learning with any subject .
4 That has been done to death by ex-managers and ex-record companies who use a list of about two dozen tracks which they write down on a sheet of paper , cut them up and put them in a hat , and whatever order they come out in that 's another album .
5 It did n't concern her where they came from , Marylebone or Mars , And by now she did n't care what shape they came in either , old , young , fat , thin , black , white , brown , whole or damaged .
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