Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] 's [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For example — I feel disgusted and ashamed — I took my little girl down to my mum 's and I swear to God I remember dressing her — it was winter — but when she got to my mum 's house I took her out of the buggy and all she had on was her nappy and her socks and a blanket wrapped round her .
2 I mean , my sister 's school they have right from the start and er they do n't I do n't think you get a wide enough circle of friends really .
3 ‘ When it concerns my sister 's health it is my business . ’
4 In my mind 's eye I see him as he was , complete with bowler-hat and aquiline nose .
5 You did n't have to have the soul of a poet to conjure up what could have been ; in my mind 's eye I had a vision of Templars in their faceless conical helmets , red and white crosses on their black cloaks , moving across the island at the dead of night , the barges being soundlessly poled whilst , at prow and stern , huge cresset torches spluttered and flared in the darkness .
6 But , if a test on a chimpanzee would save my child 's life I 'm afraid I 'd go for the test on the chimpanzee .
7 In my child 's brain he crashed at my feet as I walked through a strange city .
8 But my mother 's image of my future had to be challenged : I was not to marry ; I would be her companion at all times in a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis ; with my teacher 's salary I would buy her a fridge and a washing machine and take care of her .
9 I feel well and th and I try er and my husband 's nieces they often ring me up er well I was on the phone to one of them when you came yesterday .
10 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
11 Suppose that in my wife 's absence I had been knocked unconscious by a burglar .
12 In my father 's day they would not have dared even to think like that !
13 I did n't sleep in my father 's bunk I used to sleep on the table , I er had an old flock mattress , that 's what I had , an old flock mattress and a flock pillow .
14 See in the latter part of my , my father 's time he was n't a well man , was he ?
15 When I realized I was walking towards my father 's house I quickly changed my direction .
16 I enjoyed the work and college life very much , but after my father 's death I stopped doing my work at the college .
17 In Uganda I used to wear very beautiful clothes but after my daughter 's birth I do n't know what happened to me .
18 ‘ That night at my daughter 's house I felt very emotional when Peter stood up to leave .
19 In my grandmother 's house I had had a big bedroom ; here I had to share .
20 ‘ When I got into my neighbour 's house I felt safe .
21 After my fortnight 's leave I completed a five-month tour of duty in the East with a Waffen SS unit , operating downwind , as it were , of the military withdrawal from the Soviet Union .
22 Had she found my son 's body she would have been disconsolate , certainly too shocked and distressed to talk to you now .
23 But since my brother 's death it has been my duty to care for my two nieces .
24 ‘ When I was young my mama used to say ‘ grow up and see how tough the world is ’ ' and ‘ I was unhappy at my mother 's death/ I was unhappy at my father 's death/ …
25 But I had no notion of time — or of my mother 's needs I felt only that I was being abandoned .
26 Within hours of her sister 's death she had developed swelling of the eyelids and face .
27 After a restless few hours ' sleep , Fabia awakened to daylight and the concrete knowledge that for her sister 's sake she could not accept defeat on that interview issue .
28 It could be said that her rights were born together with her ; and from birth with her guardian 's help she could bring the action and endeavour to show that the injury from which she suffered was caused prior to her birth through the fault of the defendant .
29 In her mind 's eye she saw the assassin 's mouth open and close , and on them read the syllables of her name .
30 ’ In her mind 's eye she saw the face of her father , and her heart was heavy .
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