Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] that you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've won , Leo , ’ she managed quietly , ‘ and I hope with all my heart that you find it a pyrrhic victory . ’
2 I do n't wish to hear from them on my return that you 've been airing the kind of sentiments I heard from you today . "
3 It is merely my desire that you complete your studies and take up a form of employ that may be useful for my purposes at some time in the future .
4 It is as much due to his neglect as my intervention that you find yourself thus , cut off from normal society .
5 Further to our recent telephone conversation I am writing to confirm my instruction that you help to organise and attend a meeting between CPRW , the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts , and the promoters of the above bill , Newport Borough Council .
6 ‘ Be that as it may , ’ he persisted , ‘ it 's been brought to my notice that you 've expressed somewhat vividly your dislike of a certain member of the Company . ’
7 It has n't escaped my notice that you 've gone from five-star hotels to virtual slums .
8 If I remind you that you are a person who is aware , receptive to new ideas and willing to give them a try , then my suggestion that you buy Ecover is likely to be well received .
9 Do you really expect me to believe that it 's out of respect for my position that you insist on calling me Mr Vass ? ’
10 ‘ Now , tell me to my face that you do n't want to come with me . ’
11 It sticks in my throat that you know we 've had to pay it but , from the point of view of the residents , we 've done the right thing by letting it .
12 So whenever you see people who 're not quite like you and maybe there 's something about their workstyle that you do n't like think about it this way .
13 Someone who gives you advice that you do n't want to hear , but it sinks in anyway .
14 We thank you Lord that you 've done all this for us and we find our satisfaction in you .
15 He said that He used to tell me about his country that you know it was taken over by the Russians and then it 'd be taken over by the Germans and You know what I mean .
16 Old people are no fools , and can easily be hurt ; so however many things you have on your mind to be done when you get home , never leave them feeling that you have given them time that you have grudgingly spared .
17 Would n't it be lovely , then , to be able to tell your PC that you want to run a CD ROM based game , and would it please re-configure itself to do the best job , preferably without making you wait five minutes while it re-boots ?
18 How many of you have been hearing whispers in your mind that you have been ignoring ? … .
19 In his speech he said , ‘ May I suggest to you and your Council that you have the debate I suggested about the economic and environmental factors and then set out to provide leadership for the industry in reconciling these items . ’
20 Then comes your stamina that you 've mentioned , the ability to maintain prolonged physical and mental effort , notice it 's also mental , it 's not just physical .
21 ‘ Son of the Wild Panthers , ’ said the Oak , in a warm , woodsy sort of voice , ‘ son of one of Ireland 's most ancient Bloodlines , is it solely to ask our help that you have woken us ? ’
22 You should advise the Department in writing 21 days prior to your return that you intend to do so .
23 It is important to record the fact on your file that you have advised them strongly to have one .
24 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
25 There may be lots of others which do very similar things , but I think this is a question of you working out the criteria for your placement that you want , you know ,
26 Have you shown Simon your picture that you 've done at school ?
27 ‘ You 're very careful about moving about your room that you have n't had before .
28 During the time that your body is trying to make the antibodies against the infection that infection may well spread so rapidly through your body that you become seriously ill , indeed , your life may be threatened .
29 It 's our jargon that we use in the newsroom , it 's your jargon that you use , it 's your way of getting things through council committees .
30 It is no good saying to your friend that you have " lost a ½ " , when you mean " lost ½ " a mango " .
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