Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] is that a " in BNC.

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1 My experience is that a change would bring a sense of relief .
2 My experience is that a lot of people on the left are actually in extreme distress from unresolved family traumas or interclass traumas , or the transition from non-disabled to disabled , and so on .
3 My contention is that a national government should treat a sum of one Ppound in the same manner that an individual treats an ordinary pound .
4 My argument is that a place may be a paradise only if humans can live there — the picture must sell not merely paradise , but the idea of the ‘ enjoyment ’ of paradise .
5 Detective Sergeant Chris Warren of Southampton police fuelled the mystery further when he said : ‘ My information is that a London footballer was knocked unconscious and taken to hospital . ’
6 My understanding is that a small group need not prepare a consolidated cash flow statement , even if the holding company of that group prepared group accounts .
7 My position is that an embryo should only be created for insertion into a specified woman and should receive the maximum protection from the moment of its creation and no non-therapeutic research should be allowed , ’ he said .
8 My problem is that a great deal of business needs to be done , and I have to try to accommodate that business as well .
9 My conviction is that a serious study of the language that will be the medium of their teaching , is one , though not the only such essential , and that such a study is possible , though not easy , to organise , to teach and to study .
10 Martin Feldstein , Professor of Economics at Harvard University , head of America 's Bureau of Economic Research and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to the president of the United States , summed up his views on the matter thus : ‘ My judgment is that a Single Currency for Europe would be a liability . ’
11 My view is that a top rate of say £100 will be acceptable to members and I will be willing to pay such a rate once my financial circumstances improve .
12 One story about his teaching is that a new student would be told to observe a fish in a tank .
13 His conclusion is that a religion which counts its success by numbers of converts is suspect .
14 Indeed , our hypothesis is that a basic level of shared meaning may be the important foundation for the comprehension of adult speech and it 's eventual mastery by the child .
15 Directly or indirectly we could ‘ ask ’ him/her , but our requirement is that an observer acting at a distance can observe what a pupil does and thence infer satisfaction in response .
16 ‘ The principle of our business is that an asset can be financed and paid for , including interest and capital , in the first half of its working life , ’ he says .
17 Our point is that a popular movement such as the peace movement carries within itself a notion of a just society and that law can not be considered merely as a ‘ tool ’ isolated from broader political and social considerations .
18 Our argument is that a discussion about whether positivist or natural law theories are correct is as useful as a discussion about whether Italian or Greek is the correct language to speak : it is however useful to recognise that someone is an Italian speaker if one wants to communicate with him .
19 But if your complaint is that a less tangible term of your employment has been broken , as when you have suffered harassment from your superiors or your status has been eroded , it may be difficult to establish a viable claim for compensation if you do not quit .
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