Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] is [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 My point is simply that once an ‘ emic ’ definition is attempted , we must go beyond looking for an ‘ essential ’ definition of an isolated concept , and discuss the whole structure of moral categories .
2 My point is simply that the decision to put something in other words is a decision about style , which like all decisions about style , is constrained by the search for relevance .
3 My point is merely that even if this is so , the fact remains that narrow neutrality is often all that is meant by ‘ neutrality ’ .
4 My answer is immediately that we submit to our leaders , the bishops , and value highly their pastoral care .
5 After the Glasgow meeting , Mr Wallace said of the Convention 's prospects : ‘ My view is still that when this group tries to examine what is a realistic possibility , realistically we will not be able to embark on any major schemes . ’
6 If they had been advised as to the necessity for clear offers in writing with terms set out from the bank , their case is that they would have taken that advice , they would have waited for the bank offer and if and when it had not been suitable for them they would not have exchanged and their case is also that er once things had gone er very badly wrong and they wanted to get out of the contract if they had been advised as to the way out er then er they would have been er of that , they would have served notice and they would have got out of the contract .
7 So where , as in Morgan , defendants claim that they believed the woman was consenting , because her husband ( who was present ) had told them that she enjoyed a struggle , their case is simply that they lacked the fault element required for the crime .
8 I ca n't believe knowing er some of the people who do hunt , that their motive is actually that they want to see a fox torn to pieces .
9 Their problem is often that there is nothing to explore except a bare concrete cell , and this frustrates them intensely .
10 On the other hand , there is no alternative to understanding the world through interpretations and models and hence through what are , in the last analysis , intellectual fictions whose warrant is only that it is as if they were true .
11 He does n't actually use the words but his philosophy is clearly that the New Zealand sojourn may have been the darkest hour but that the darkest hours comes before the dawning of a new day .
12 If screams do not cause a single person to react , what hope is there that a small , silent television screen in a bank of twenty-one such screens will be more effective ?
13 But what evidence is there that this bit of the cortex is concerned with the reception of sound ?
14 And indeed what evidence is there that Sicily as a physical presence , a quite insistent presence as generations of travellers have found it , ever modified Pound 's sensibility in the least ?
15 An editorial in The Times , a firm supporter of Thatcherite policies , could ask on 3 May 1985 : ‘ If these obstructions to a society , based on enterprise and shorn of its collectivist illusions , can not be dismantled in six years , what evidence is there that twelve years will be any better ? ’
16 What evidence is there that these overt policies and covert assumptions have outlived the political and economic structures which brought them into being ?
17 What evidence is there that you are not living up to the appropriate standards ?
18 But what evidence is there that babies acquire social knowledge and that their behaviour to other people is qualitatively different from their behaviour to inanimate objects ?
19 What chance is there that a start on such a package could be made in the near future ?
20 If a student is to study a number of different subjects or courses , what guarantee is there that they will all come together and form a coherent whole ?
21 For what guarantee is there that it does so objectively ?
22 Well , certainly we believe that there can be all sorts of erm techniques that can be very useful , like communications skills and assertiveness , but our understanding is also that it is not only about the skills that people have it 's also about the understanding behind those skills .
23 The cause of your problem is firstly that WordPerfect 5.1 does n't fit well with Windows 3.1 — to be honest it 's a bit primitive .
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